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Everything posted by skittlesRgood

  1. only "problem" that could happen is if one has a lower resting voltage. the lower voltage pulls from the other battery until they even out. but that really isn't an issue.
  2. people flake out and don't keep their word, then you're the asshole for pointing it out... baffles me.

    1. WastedTalent


      Just means you have the balls to not let it go by unnoticed. Happens to me all the time. "I'll think about it and let you know" so 2 weeks later I text them a pic and "Wow, thanks asshole"

    2. WastedTalent
  3. yeah, LOCs are crap. always avoid using them if you can. there are other, better, although more expensive, options.
  4. I would stop resetting it. it should figure out that the battery is fully charged pretty quickly and go into float charge but you're basically just over charging the batteries every time you do that.
  5. lol it wont go back to amber. if its amber that means its in serious charge mode. green means its in float charge, also called maintenance mode. it wont ever need to go back to amber because the battery is still fully charged.
  6. The bitch is.. you want some one, to "restart" it.... it seems after it hits GREEN,...... you need to shut it off, and restart it to go amber.... does that make sense? EDIT- maybe Nathan will chime it. But, i know after mine hits float, it goes green.. and wont keep charging. Seems there is a "time period" it has built in.. dunno No, the charger is still charging. most chargers do 2amps at ~13v in float charge. you wont have to restart the charger and it'll keep the batteries fresh while you are gone.
  7. the intelli charger goes into float mode once the cells are charged. you could leave the charger on forever. people float charge batteries all winter in boats, tractors, etc.
  8. to answer your question, no you dont have to use 36, but you do have to pick a max volume, tune to that, and NEVER go over it. just make sure it's under 36. Now to help a little more, tell us what subs, amp, and the details of the box.
  9. its usually better to point the subs backward unless you seal off the trunk and point them forward.
  10. wattage sounds right for the impedance. the only reason I know of for this method to be inaccurate is because the meters read at a certain frequency. so playing a 40hz tone while the meter works at (for example) 50hz, you don't get accurate readings. but close enough is close enough. after all, this is all for fun.
  11. periodic charging is nice, but not necessary. It'll just help extend the life of the battery. most people don't own the XS charger.
  12. I like how he never replied after the post showing one coil being out of stock while the other was in stock. I think you found his problem and he's embarrassed lol.
  13. look at the bright side. it was crooked anyways lol.
  14. if its the dynamat xtreme then yes, its fine. if its the "original" stuff then I wouldn't use it at all lol.
  15. I hate those schumacher chargers. I wont ever charge my XS batteries with them. they charge up past 15.5v and I've heard my last batteries boiling. I have two different chargers from them and they both do it. I only use a little battery tender or my XS charger. Check out DCpower and mechman for an alt. since money is no object, throw an extra battery in the back too. it'll definitely help.
  16. there should be a test that our SS rep did in this section where he shows the difference between peal and seal and SS. I believe he does both thicknesses. so that will have a graph, actual data, to show you the difference. but the short answer is that a thicker deadener put on a panel will have a lower resonant frequency and take more energy to move.
  17. I agree. it's manageable but there are oddities that make it pretty annoying. deleting a lot when you hit back space one too many times, as mentioned, is one example.
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