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snafu last won the day on December 22 2023

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About snafu

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  1. SS is our oldest SMD Partner - dating all the way back to June of 2009 (wow!) . In that time, they've run some killer promotions and sales for SMD Members. This is the deepest one I can recall!
  2. Still got it but it's likely going up for sale soon . . . Since the last post, I've put maybe 8k on the clock.
  3. What you didn't tell us is what kind of vehicle this is. Many, and I mean many, late model vehicles have all kinds of challenges facing you in the digital domain that must be undone or normalized before installing new gear - equalization contours designed to make $3 speakers sound like $30 ones, fully active systems with each component having a narrow bandwidth of operation and / or delay, multiple position contours overlaid on top one another, etc. In addition, you could have some impedance mis-matching with your interface which could cause frequency response irregularities, etc. So, share a bit more.
  4. I began selling High Output alternators in 1989 - nearly 30 years ago. In that time, I've done business with numerous companies. I've sold, installed, and analyzed hundreds of HOAs. Mechman stands head and shoulders above the others. The product is bullet proof. The customer service top notch. The fit and finish exceptional. You always get what you pay for with Mechman and there's never a question about that. Mechman became an SMD Partner in September of 2010. CE Auto Electric Supply became a Mechman dealer in February of 2012. In that time, I can tell you without hesitation that Mechman has been an exemplary partner to both SMD and CEAES in every sense of the word. In a category full of me too product wrapped in marketing hyperbole, Mechman products deliver. Matt - we're damn glad to have ya'!
  5. Tha'ts a really good deal! Wow.
  6. I don't necessarily agree. Sound Deadening can be a significant investment for some of the serious builds at SMD! I think this is a great option and commend Second Skin for offering it.
  7. These seem like very reasonable prices!
  8. Not that I'm aware. You may want to speak with him directly in regard.
  9. Matt (the owner of Mechman) informed me this morning that his home has burned to the ground with "everything I own in it." Good grief man! This is no way to start the new year. Matt has been a loyal SMD Partner since 2011 and in that time has gone out of his way to be the best Partner he can be. Mechman has also sponsored System of the Month every single time I've asked including this last month! I've known Matt personally for some time now and he is a true gem in a sea full of competitors who make their living over-promising and under-delivering. Personally, I've bought, sold, and installed high output alternators since before many of you were born - dating all the way back to 1989. In that time, Mechman has been the true standout. I always tell my customers what makes Mechman different is that they make a great product AND they run their company. You guys all know that I'm a super stickler for what we offer at CE Auto Electric Supply and we're proud to be a Mechman dealer. Damn proud. So, if you're shopping for an alternator for your vehicle, give Mechman a shot. You won't be sorry. Any help we can offer would be greatly appreciated as Matt rebuilds. Also, please be patient with Matt over the next month or two given that his life has just been turned upside down.
  10. There are 10 types of people - those that understand binary and those that don't.

    1. omnibus


      01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00101110 

    2. SnowDrifter


      56 65 72 79 20 66 75 6e 6e 79 20 6f 6d 6e 69 62 75 73 2e

  11. Wow. I can't wait to see the ingenuity on this install!
  12. Appearing on Inside West Coast Customs - Wow! This is quite an achievement. Congratulations Ken, Sue, Eric, and team! I was able to watch the show last night off of my DVR and Ken and Eric did a great job. The Vee-Dub came out pretty awesome. If you haven't seen the episode yet, be sure and set your DVR to record it. On another note, WCC has really transformed over the years. If you're a fab junkie, this facility has it. I was amazed at the skill demonstrated on this build.
  13. Very cool. BITD, there were a few builds with 24" woofers but until now, you just couldn't find 'em. Jacob - mad props for having the balls to do it!
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