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Posts posted by dkindle613

  1. alright if i wanted to put money into this old computer, i would have asked what to buy... or if i wanted to buy a new computer i would have asked what to buy. but i didn't, i asked what to do to help this one run faster...

    thank you DjCrush and Maxim for actually reading.

    and i think there might be 2 anit virus programs on my computer, 1 of them is microsoft Security Essentials, and the other one is i think AVG, cus everytime i start my computer it says there was a problem with AVG and it could not open. but when i try to look for it to delete it, i can not find it.

    edit. this is what pops up when i try to delete AVG.


  2. We got the highest unemployment rate in the country.

    /end thread jack.

    Good luck with the loan OP.

    Cali does not have the highest unemployment rate.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_unemployment_rate

    but here in Michigan you can find houses sooooo cheap, because NOBODY is buying. i bet if you spent a whole day looking you could find hundreds of them for under 20k.

    but OP with any loan you get, make sure you always make your payments. if you cant make the full payment, call them and tell them what you can pay them. cus missing payments will fuck you over for while..

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