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Everything posted by Freshman6969

  1. i like my orions , i have a jeep so i can relate, tons of room to work with, go with a 15
  2. comcast is shit, i live in a du-plex(1 house split down the middle) only 1 line coming from the pole out front to our house, mind you this house is at least 100 years old....my walls are plaster for fucks sake( i live on a farm >.>) and they REFUSE to run another wire so we can have 2 seprete cables from the road to our house, so theres 2 bills 1 line, -.- and there internet SUCKS DICK
  3. i do have an aftermarket H/U, its a JVC vario color, its not the best but i do like it, and i would like an EQ but not really sure howd id go about doing all that, and i want a 4ch cause i dont ahve the money for 2 2ch amps atm, i just got interveiwed today for a job and going to take the piss test tom. so ill finnaly have some money coming in, any local shops around here such as zippo's and autoimage are exact prices from the manufacturer, so imo its a pretty big rip off seeing as i got my subs and amp for 600$ (2 12" orion cobalts, and a orion WCC 800watt amp)-.- , i might end up having to get stealth speakers due to the fact i finnaly got around to taking one of the blown speakers out and shoving a walmart brand in there the magnet was hitting the window >.> idk if anything ill put spacers. i dunno ><
  4. my first and current system is dual orion cobalts and they pound, 800watt orion amp, 8gauge pos/neg, 16gauge speaker wire, ran me 600 ( cause i bought it from a local shop, runs about 300-500 depending where you look
  5. i fucking love you man, siged<3 this made me lol for awile
  6. kenwoods are pretty nice ,i have a JVC vario color, i like it personaly, can change the colors, make your own, yadaydayda, but it sounds very nice was only around $100, alpines are extreamly nice anywhere from 100-400$, and the the subs and such, that is a REDICULOUSLY good deal
  7. like all the others said dont get it from a local audio shop, my first system(which is my current system) i bought from a shop around here, $600 -.- i priced it all out from a bunch of sites, totaled 300$ -.- im sure as hell kicking my self for it now, but hey we learn from our mistakes , anyway since im done rambling, any specific type of brand your looking for? JL is a little more on the SQ( Sound Quality) side i beleave(correct me if im wrong) orions bump pretty hard, i myself have dual cobalts 12", the HCCA's are beastly if you power them right, 15" 4ohm is 2000RMS, peak is 4000, there a bit pricy but worth the money, you get what you pay for as the saying goes, amps can vary, sundown is really good from what ive been hearing, rockford is amazing but there a fuck ton of money, alpines pretty nice too, just for fucks sake dont get volfenhog or w.e that shit brand is, there extreamly cheap and will shit inside of themselfs lol, alot of this is coming from what ive read though the forums watched on youtube googled yahooed etc, so anyone feel free to correct me. hope i helped
  8. yeah dude i heard polk is pretty good for there componants, ive been looking all over amazon since its dirt cheap and ebay too even tho i dont trust ebay for shit but hoping to get some deals though here
  9. used in good conditon, all working and such,and component, sorry for not being so specific and budget wise not so sure yet >< and @R_Mac_1 im fairly new to the site sorry
  10. as a matter of fact i am, did you go to college strictly for car audio and such installations?

  11. just a question if you got the time, did you get cirtified to become an installer? or are you even a professional installer? or just for the fun of it?

  12. i be all up on your page spammin bout your sexy penguin :D

  13. im finnaly deciding to take out my shit stock speakers (Infinity gold) which came with my 2002 Jeep GC Laredo,and since i already had my tweeters replaced so now i need my speakers and amp , so figured this would be the place to ask, im looking for (2)6x9's and (2)6 1/2's and either a amp to go with it or something 300watts+, im in jersey so id be willing to pay shipping as long as its not ridiculous like from Europe or some shit lol, id prefer top brands such as alpine pioneer kicker etc, no audobahn or some piece of shit German crap and no Pyle ill kill you >, no offense >.>, if you have something to offer post here or email me at [email protected], thanks -Dan
  14. Steve i must say, that truck looks ridiculously sick, the logo was a nice touch aswell, ill be watching after i get out of my Saturday detention tomorrow
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