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Status Replies posted by audiofanaticz

  1. This is some BULLSHIT right here. Something always gotta fuckup when im tryna do something. I was cuttin out my speaker adapter, went to out in a router bit on my bosch router table for the FIRST TIME. And the shit dont fit, brandnew collet was fucked up and bent closed so the bit wouldnt fit without jamming it hard. Used a vise grip wrench to yank out the stuck collet(nut was already separated from the collet which isnt supposed to be). Then i use a needle nose pliers to stretch it back out to how it should be and....this


  2. well after 3 months i finally figured out how to add a status update!!

    1. audiofanaticz


      That dude or his wife also jacked some stuff from Meade as well when they had a get together at his shop, before he dipped out of Cali...

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  3. well after 3 months i finally figured out how to add a status update!!

    1. audiofanaticz


      Wonder who will have things missing at that, since he robbed credit cards out of a employees locker to buy ice coffee at the store on his break and put them back afterwards when said owner of credit card dont even drink coffee.
      Maybe he will leave with a few amps, subs and parts too like he did from DC Audio. Then trade them for weed, only to get busted shipping it in the mail, then setup another deal to get the dude in trouble he got it from... hmmm

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  4. well after 3 months i finally figured out how to add a status update!!

    1. audiofanaticz


      Didnt Gary have his wedding last year already? lol

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  5. well after 3 months i finally figured out how to add a status update!!

    1. audiofanaticz


      Oh.. I guess him saying see ya soon is referring to something else huh?


    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  6. well after 3 months i finally figured out how to add a status update!!

  7. well after 3 months i finally figured out how to add a status update!!

    1. audiofanaticz


      Still hanging out with snitches and thieves?

      Cough Sidney Cough

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  8. Suppose to be a simple trip to get a tub surround, ended up buying an $1800 trailer FML

  9. I feel dumber anytime I watch a Declue livestream, or read one of his facebook posts. Why do I keep doing it. UGH


  10. I feel dumber anytime I watch a Declue livestream, or read one of his facebook posts. Why do I keep doing it. UGH


  11. I feel dumber anytime I watch a Declue livestream, or read one of his facebook posts. Why do I keep doing it. UGH


  12. I feel dumber anytime I watch a Declue livestream, or read one of his facebook posts. Why do I keep doing it. UGH


  13. I feel dumber anytime I watch a Declue livestream, or read one of his facebook posts. Why do I keep doing it. UGH


  14. I feel dumber anytime I watch a Declue livestream, or read one of his facebook posts. Why do I keep doing it. UGH


  15. shit makes my head hurt sometimes. .... thank god i can troll some to help....

  16. why is it so hard to solder speaker wire onto 6.5 speaker terminals? the damm solder sticks onto the wire fine but it just slides off the fucking speaker terminals... advice please?

    1. audiofanaticz


      I have 0 problem soldering with sundown wire, thats all I started to use lately.

      Your probably not using the right solder, or not enough flux, or the right type flux. There are special types of flux for soldering copper to other types of metals for a stronger bond.

    2. (See 30 other replies to this status update)

  17. Am i missing something? 

  18. Tryin to get some people to be in my video

  19. my table saw is friken useless for cutting angles. 45 read 49 on the guage and the blade just walks to whatever it wants. At least it didnt kill me.

  20. my table saw is friken useless for cutting angles. 45 read 49 on the guage and the blade just walks to whatever it wants. At least it didnt kill me.

  21. my table saw is friken useless for cutting angles. 45 read 49 on the guage and the blade just walks to whatever it wants. At least it didnt kill me.

  22. cant even reply to that thread. what the heck.

  23. cant even reply to that thread. what the heck.

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