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Posts posted by BassMunky

  1. So i saw some of these Dandelions growing in the grass and it gave me an idea. So i made wish and turned up the bass. Can you guess what my wish was? I will tell you at 1 million views and give something BIG away. You think a million views is a lot to ask? i have 33 video's with over a million views (some 2, 3 and even 14+ Million). Also, several hundred from 999,999 down to a quarter million views. (175,450,000 total).....my point is, in my world, it ain't TOO much to ask. If not, i keep the prize. Not saying what it is, just know it will be worth it if i do get to that number. Please share this video on FB, Twitter, wherever! Enjoy!

    (yes i know it was easy, but i thought the slow mo looked cool and i hope my wish does come true :D)

    I see that they will be available on the site soon, but my question is howcome they dont have the other AA subs on there?

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