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Posts posted by Kyblack76

  1. Ya wanna "strap" 2 half bridge boards......... Read that again, please. 

    If your dead set, on wanting to strap, 2 half bridge boards,........ 

    Then watch, and enjoy.  Let us know how it goes.  Cheers. 

    Edit- ive had, and been running a 1500.1 from Tony since the day they launched. Ive adored the board.

    (2 15" crossfire c5's)  

    Fantastic board, zero issues. 





  2. Well, lets math. 

    12v X 220amp = 2640watts (dont care about 14v, you wont hold that either)


    That said, youll probably see half the power on music. So ya, let it eat. (id have a second battery, but, do you)

    And, youll most likely never see a full 220amp from your alt, especially at idle, normal driving. But, you wont be making 3k all day long either. Hook it up and bang dude. Cheers. 

  3. Just here to say to say, those JL slash amps are cool. Especially if it has the RIPS feature.  (the constant power stuff like rockford)

    You are over thinking 300 watts, and thinking the number on the box matters.  

    Your electrical will be more important than the board in this case. 

  4. If you are using the HU, and basically zero control (TA, power, cut off/xover, freq adjustments) then just buy what you want and stick em where you have space.  If it was me, id try and get tweets higher, power them, cut them off proper and band tweak them. That said, if you can fit something larger in that space,  like a 5-1/4 with a tweet or something, then id do that.  Other wise, just buy something and put it in. Cheers. 

  5. I would set clipping with knob at full. But do you. 

    You could tweak your pass band, so your subs arent playing a "dynamic kick" but the low sub drum like they should, and your door/mids handle the upper "kick".  So, lower your low pass. 

    Or you could retune with -7.5, or -5 ...... aka turn it down, EQ that out, if you have the ability (dsp and what not).   Turning it down, is no fun, so you could not worry about a slight clip here and there, and let it eat. And if it sounds good to you, roll with it. Im sure it will be fine.          Or it could unwind a coil. But im think youd be fine.  On long long plays, if you smell something, youll know. 

    Up to you. 


    Box (if it is in fact) tuned at 30, ......... turn that low pass down mate. Or, i would.  (low pass is at 60 here, i like my subs to play low frequencys, not try and make up for lacking mids) but, do you. Then you wont see it clip, but will lose some band/frequency you need to pick up with other drivers.   Its all up to you. 

  6. Also,. google impedance (not box/enclosure) rise.  Google, read, and take some of that in.  I dont know if your going strickly for numbers in the lane, at one frequency, or if your want a daily ground pounder (sound like you want a ground pounder system) but, just looking at "this amplifier does this number at this load" is pretty useless in a daily driven audio rig. That said, it will help explain why your not seeing even remotely close to the power you think you are, or should be. Not to mention, that board/maker, most likely embellished the numbers. I do wish you the best of luck. Hell, just coming in and asking questions, and wanting to know and learn, ... you are already well ahead of most, and the curve. Cheers and best of luck. 


    edit- also, remember, if your are looking for "large-ish" numbers. It takes power, to make power. No board on the planet can "make"  power on its own. 

    Also,.. please. Please be very very carful, of who you are taking info in from please.  There is a TON of nonsense, and welp, straight bullshit out there. Do your own reading and learning mate. Sure take others info in, but be very very carful on what is out there. 

  7. Just a quick bump. In case anyone's missing the vids Tony D is dropping lately. There is more than just this one. But i really like how he went in the weeds on this one. Cheers all. 


    (edit- also, im running the 400.4 and 1500.1 in my rig, have been for a long while now. Love these boards, and im not nice to them at all)




  8. On 1/15/2024 at 1:01 AM, jgi420 said:

    Well I mean on almost any enclosure. There's a chance that it will leak air the last MDF enclosure I had well the last three of them the screws all came loose from the subs. I had to turn them facing upward because they wanted to fall out of the box after a short period of time and I pre-drilled pilot holes. Even before I installed the subs I even had to move them around to three different places in almost every box I had.


    So there is a general concern that even a Birchwood cabinet can still rattle loose or leak air If you put too much power through it. 


    Either way, I'm not running the full amount of RMS the speakers can handle.


    And the subwoofer amp only has an 80 amp fuse and it has not blown yet I thought that a 1500 watt amp would draw at least 85 amps so I find that a little odd.



    Cool. None of my enclosures even have screws. Never had a "leak" or anything break apart. Odd. 

    80 amp, and not blowing the fuse. You are no where near, peak power. Not even half. Sooooo, your good. No breaking shit,.. from power anyway. 

    Edit- maybe just a really poorly built enclosure.  I've never, in my decades of audio, had the privilege of seeing anyone "blow" their box apart,, unless it was a pile of wood just hucked together, or a prefab. Even then, it wasnt from "power".  But good luck to your goal mate. 

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