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Posts posted by bcbrassard

  1.  Sorry my wire was white too I was just reading off the instructions. It's designed to run new wires to and from in order to hook everything up. I would think the yellow fuzed might be for the black and white heading to the fans so if something were to happen there it went short out the tm1. And then you add another fuse at the battery for the constant that could be a smaller wired fuse it wouldn't hurt to have both ends protected with using but that's just my opinion

  2. 36 minutes ago, bsneon98 said:

    may start glassing a corner of the trunk in the next few days. I could throw a old school mtx thunder series 12 in her, idk so much other stuff to worry about. Flushed the whole coolant system today and replaced the green freeze with the red shit. Heat output definitely is better, nice peace of mind too. Helps with it being 14 degrees out today lol 

    Ya make it reliable daily first.  -7 here today.

    • Like (+1 Rep) 1
  3. On 11/29/2019 at 5:24 PM, reedal said:

    Thanks man. i appreciate the thought! Fuck that would have been nice to have won! Wife's got a TrailHawk needing a system And that tiny piece of shit needs all the deadening it can get! Maybe next time i will win something....Not i always over pay, get it late & half broken kid of guy. lol

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  4. Good job keeping your cool Steve. When i was down there in November i seen a lot of homeless people. Sad really, but nice  of you to not call the cops, and give him something to think about. That people can be forgiving, even to those who you think don't deserve it. Hopefully James will think twice but chances are if he is homeless he will do what ever it takes to survive even if it's at our cost. Makes me thankful to have what i have.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Mattizo said:

    I should have clarified that I did indeed have all the settings set to off or flat.

    Crossovers were set to flat on the amplifier for the speakers.

    Subwoofer gain and boost were set to there minimum values. The subwoofer controller only has 3 knobs: Gain, Boost, and LPF. Should the LPF be set to min or max during the HU volume setup?

    Whats the subs manual say for set up? Does the HU have RCA outputs for front/rear & sub? If so what are the HU settings at?

    Sounds like your doing the right trouble shooting.

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