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Pioneer Head Unit, and a NVX JAD 1200.1

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Yeah, It is pretty weird. I talked to the guys at NVX about this and they knew that this was an issue. They told me to either use an O-Scope, or with a multimeter, set it at around the certified tested voltages like the ones done by Sonic Electronix, and you shouldnt have any issues. Here is a little snippet off their site:


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Not really, just the fact that there are similar issues with some other amps. That is why they can't do the "Sonic Certified" rating on all of their amps they sell. I agree though with it just being an issue with the JAD1200.1, I have 2 of them and they do the exact same thing. I have used the DD-1 on other amps without any problems. By set it to the certified voltage I mean put it on the -10db 40hz test tone and use your voltmeter and turn the gain up to the sonic certified specs, for example @ 1ohm it is certified at 1380 watts, so you would adjust your voltmeter to 36-37 volts AC. The same would apply to the 2 and 4 ohm specs.

Edited by -Stov3top-
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