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What's the difference, bass boost on amp, or bass knob ???

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I've seen a bunch of amp review vids where the reviewer bashed on the bass boost setting on the amp, saying it was basically useless..... Yet pretty much everyone uses a wired (or remote) bass boost knob ? Isn't this just another path to the same thing ? I mean, what's the difference concerning bass boost ?

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Bass boost and gain control are 2 different things. Bass boost amplifies the signal at the selected frequency and depending upon the q amplifies those around it. Gain control determines how much input voltage you are allowing into the amp. It acts as a volume knob for bass only if gains are set when the knob is at max

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Some bass knobs either control the gain with the ceiling being where the gain is set on the amp itself , they do not override the setting that you make on The amplifier chassis, and then some other bass knobs control the bass boost on the amp remotely from your driver seat

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