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And a little bit of....


Lane AKA HeroKight

'96 Jeep Cherokee Classic 4x4

R.I.P. Molliboo

$200 for new tires, on a jeep!? Is she stealing them or building them with a heat gun and rubber bands?

You hear that????

That's a category 5 shit storm coming

n8: hey you doing today. What's it like being a bitch? you can pm me if you'd like to explain why you arent one. Just like you did for your vs threads.

^^^Rules. Follow them.^^^

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Those of you who are risking your relationships need to grow up. Bass can't make you sandwhiches.

You clearly haven't tossed lunch meat, cheese, and bread in your port yet. Makes a hell of a bologna sandwich salad. Jiggles the balls pretty good too.

If i ain't learning, I ain't living.

Steve blocked me on YT... I think i irritated him a few years ago.... LOL sorry man

I don't have any serious builds goin on... currently i have an Interfire IF-2400b pushing 2 Alphasonic PSW610J's...

I'm broke and i don't want my son deaf before he's 2 haha

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I forgot this band even existed.

Lane AKA HeroKight

'96 Jeep Cherokee Classic 4x4

R.I.P. Molliboo

$200 for new tires, on a jeep!? Is she stealing them or building them with a heat gun and rubber bands?

You hear that????

That's a category 5 shit storm coming

n8: hey you doing today. What's it like being a bitch? you can pm me if you'd like to explain why you arent one. Just like you did for your vs threads.

^^^Rules. Follow them.^^^

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