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Posts posted by spluvs2install

  1. I'm getting the same thing on Chrome, I noticed it was only when I clicked on my bookmarks though, or when I typed it into the address bar. I did a google search and then it let me in. :search:

    ok cool. I emailed this baddabing person as I thought I was being singled out possibly since it worked on my IE, but yea it i go to my fav's or type it in, it doesn't work at all. Hopefully they solve this issue

  2. 404 Not Found

    The server can not find the requested page:

    baddabing01.baddabinghosting.com/moving.page/ (port 80)

    Please forward this error screen to baddabing01.baddabinghosting.com's WebMaster.


    e-MAIL FOR THIS PERSON IS [email protected]

    I reset my IP address due to the fact I couldn't get on this forum by firefox but I could get onto it by internet explorer. I thought it was quite interesting. anyone else have this problem or does it just happen to only be me? If so, please let me know, THANKS!


  3. Waa%20cry%20baby2.jpg


    I know who you are dude. I'm not crying, LMFAO. Yea i read the f/s guidlines, so unless I missed something, both times I posted, or I was sleepin after I read them, which is possible, I did what I neveded, and within minutes, both posts were deleted and account was suspended. I wasn't gonna come back on here but decided that I wanted answers. So "1loudSUV" what would you have done, or did you wipe your tears away already? Ohhhhhhh :drinks:

  4. I'm going to just watch this post untill I hopefully will get an explaination. Maybe the lst 2 posts I did was my fault, maybe I did something wrong, but how will I ever know unless i create havoc! I'm known to be a fire starter, this time, I "soaked the matches in gasoline" first. So The entire reason this is up is only to find out what I have done. thanks

  5. So when is a moderator going to tell me why it is that

    1. they never sent me a message or email telling me why I post was deleted

    2. Why they suspended my account for a reason?????

    3. When I sent the forum admin a message asking these questions, a reply was not returned.

    BUT yet, in a few minutes, i will have this post deleted and someone on a power trip will again suspend my screen name w/no reason behind it. And for this, I will repost my AD EXACTLY like this. To make a point, if your going to delete my thread and then NOT tell me why, then you deserve no respect. :bsflag: :censored:

    So I'm going to waste my time and a chance for me to post on certain topics that other friends of mine have started and shows I might want to post interesting comments on, to do this! Wow, if an admin would have just told me what I have or had done, I would be doing this! :tease:

  6. i feel you man. once an item is shipped they have no control over it but when someone tells me my product will be put in the mail on a certain date then that's what i expect. should a problem come up then i expect a phone call explaining why it isn't/wasn't shipped that day. business is business. now if it was shipped on the date told to you then it's all on FEDEX, DHL, UPS or whoevers does the shipment.

    right, I just posed this on another forum also. Basically what I'm saying is that if you tell me it'll be shipped out friday, then I expect it out friday. IF you say that MAYBE it'll be sent out friday or early next week, then I know to just wait for a tracking number and not worry about it. BUT to call me 2 shipping days later and tell me that it won't get to me by monday due to thanksgiving and everyone is closed, then you should have thought of that before hand. If you were to tell me that it'll ship out within 3 business days, then I wouldn't bother ya. BUT the fact he knew they fucked up, he told me they messed up but he wasn't willing to pay the extra for the quicker shipping is why I got mad. Its not my fault. But he did get annoyed b/c he knew he messed up and he didnt want to lose money on the deal, but if I had a business and I made that mistake, I'd rather eat the cost b/c later on, I might make some more money from the same person fixing other amps. However, they do good work but really crappy on keeping in touch by far!!!!!!!!!

  7. I think you need to chill out. It's suxs they did not get it out when they said but not the end o the world.

    So your telling me that if you have a show on saturday, its ok for you NOT to compete in that show b/c you will have no amp to use? Yea your right, its not the end of the world. However, plz answer my first question.

  8. I posted this in another forum but also know some of you on here visit this forum even more. I just want to know if its just me or if this happens more often

    I send a goliath off for repair to ARC in ohio. It blew up all on its own playing on 4 8in subs. Piece of junk is what I call it. SO anyway, I mail it out to them in ohio. They get it by wensday and they call me thursday saying that it will take a week for them to fix it and if they should go on for repairs. I accept the price for repairs and the following day, brad calls me saying the amp is fixed and they will send over a paypal amount, which I'm fine with. I immediately pay for the amp and call him back to find out on shipping out time. He says to me that it'll ship out friday afternoon since they recieved payment quickly. So friday and then over the weekend, i'm waiting to get a tracking number. I never get one. Monday I call 3 times. and send 2 e-mails all asking about the tracking number of the amp. Tuesday comes and scott calls me and tells me they had some box issues and they figured out who's box was who's for shipping and it'll be sent out today. Now the glory of it being shipped out today is that they don't work thursday for obvious reasons and no weekends. SO i'll get it on monday. So that local show I planned to attend to doesn't mean anything b/c I dont have a fuckin amp to play. So I then ask him why it wasn't shipped out friday when they told me it would be as I wanted to have it for THIS friday! Not too much to ask for right? So he said there was a mix up and excuse after excuse I hear and basically if I wanted it on friday, I have to pay the shipping charges......yes I have to pay shipping charges but yet any amp they work on, its free return shipping. So they didn't ship it out friday when I was told it would be going out, then monday, they don't answer any of my calls (YES i left messages on each call) to tell me they were confused on the shipping box, so they tell me tuesday......So i got mad as scott knew I was getting mad, he said it was thier mistake on the shipping, he didn't know I needed the amp by friday- which was no concern of his IF the fuckin amp would have been shipped when they told me it was going out THAT DAY! so even though its thier mistake, they were not looking to fix the problem, either I pay for express or they ship it and I get it on monday. SO as for any other amps I may have for business with them, I think NOT! Scott got very annoyed at the fact that I wasn't having any of his g-ddamn excuses and he said that there's no set time on when they mail stuff out. So I'm going to guess that once you pay for an amp now, that I assume that even though its paid for, you never know when you'll get it returned? So maybe I should post a dispute on paypal intill I get this amp in my posession and know its working befroe he gets his payment? Do I call the BBB.

  9. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...sid=p2759.l1259

    THIS GUY is a nut job! He has this amp in DE and then some snap on wrenches in NC. He or she has multipule s/n's and HAS USED MY MTX PHOTO in thier Ads. I had thier item removed off ebay 2X! for using my photo. I have made ebay aware AGAIN of this seller and I hope no one buys this persons shit! They are up to NO GOOD! I plan to post this up everywhere!! I hope this helps.

    BTW MTX 1501D for sale$225 +shipping obo. hollar at me. I DID have 1 more mtx amp, but ARC in ohio has to fix it again first before I can sell it. Its got a power supply issue. I'm glad I didnt sell it before testing!!

  10. I have a DDZ1a for sale. BNIB. I've had it for a while. I bought it straight from DD and have original receipt. I also have the box and manuals that came with it. Its just sitting around so I figured what the heck, I might as well let someone else use it if it'll complete a system build. For me, its literally collecting dust, but if it doesn't sell, then it doesn't and I'll just hold onto it for a while longer till I have a use for it. But maybe someone could use it right now. Let me get some photo's up on here real quickly.




    Pm me with offers. I however will not take any less than $1k so don't bother asking. I won't take much of a loss since its just been sitting here. As you can see, its a lil bit dusty! I can send other photo's if requested. But if you know DD you know what the rest looks like. IF you need references, I'll be sure to get you names, numbers and whatever else you might need. Buyer pays shipping costs, THANK YOU FOR LOOKING!!

    PS- the date on the damn camera needs to be changed......sorry for any confusion!

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