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  1. Yesterday
  2. I have a 2022 Dodge 1500 Big Horn Crew Cab that I'm planning a system for. I have the 6Channel PAC device (Front, Rear, and Sub) and a 5Channel amp (Front, Rear, and Sub). That's the base plan. I also have a 2 channel amp and an Alpine Optim6. This truck trim has 2 dash speakers, 2 front speakers, and 2 rear speakers. My questions are... 1. Can I put 2 RCA Y-spliters on the front channels of the PAC? 2. Can I take those 4 RCAs into inputs 1-4 of the Optim6? 3. Out of the Optim6 into the front and rear channels of my 5channel amp to control/tune my component speakers independently? 4. Out of PAC rear RCAs to Optim6 inputs 5-6? 5. Into the 2channel amp to power the rear speakers? 6. Out of the PAC sub RCAs into the sub input of the 5channel amp and set the crossover at the amp level? 7. Control all other EQ functions via the Optim6? Is this the correct way to go about wiring everything up? Thanks in advance!
  3. Last week
  4. I am thinking of using 2/0 sky high but i am not sure i have a 2500 watt rms subwoofer amp at 1 ohm going to be running a 500 watts rms 4ohm each channel 4 channel class ab amp each amp takes 200 amp fuses i have a 4 ohm 75 watt per channel 2 channel class d amp that take 20 amp fuse I am running dual lithium batterys because I like to listen to music sometimes with car off going to be at least 20ft run between batterys would 2/0 sky high be enough for power and ground then do a frame ground between front battery and back batterys then ground wire between would that be overkill or does that sound good i also have a 370 amp mechman alternator with upgraded power and ground wire to battery and engine but it recommends a frame ground so that's why I was thinking of doing to frame grounds
    WOW! I also want an SMD by DS18 car audio amplifier. papa's scooperia
  5. Super solid box build for 4 15" Subs 🔊 pt.1 GMC Yukon 3.0 Sound System Install
    Great Video, very helpful. Wish you showed a little more on the big 3 and power wire run through the fire wall , I know you have other videos probably more in depth on those topics but I’m working on a 04 accord myself. Keep doing great things
  6. If you are seeing 12.8 min, you are beyond fine. Car audio is 12vdc mate.
  7. So I have a 2018 Alfa Romeo Giulia running 1500rp skar amp and EVL 12”sub. I have an aftermarket OBD digital gauge and my voltage is weird. Running full tilt sometimes it’ll stay up at 13.9v others it’ll drop down to 12.8v and then as I decelerate the volts with go back to normal until I completely stop then back down to 12.8 and revving the engine doesn’t help. Is it some weird ass computer controlled charging on the car? I’ve double and tripled checked all wiring nothing loose. And even with the amp unhooked it’ll fluctuate the same as above just a little less range. With a second battery help or change the alternator or am I screwed?
    Your video is very sophisticated, adding appeal and emphasis to the subject. Slope game
  8. Thanks again Joe, I'm gonna do some investigation on vehicle/box dimensions and see what i come up with. But also with you telling me sealed is highly recommended i might be better off leaving well enough alone if the box isn't too small. Also what did you use to model the subs with the provided info cause I tried winisd an couldn't get it to accept what I put in for some reason. Thanks again, Daryl
  9. Actually there's enough information in that sheet to model the sub and the result is that those subs are specifically designed for sealed, the have a very high Q and an EBP of 41 which indicates sealed use strongly. However the response curves do not rule out ported use in this case, 2.8 to 3 cubic feet per driver is indicated but tuned low, I suggest 32Hz and not much higher and a port area of 45 square inches per driver, that spec should let you play significantly louder while still sounding pleasing to the ear, porting your current box would result in losing the benefits of ported and the port itself would need to be very long to achieve low tuning and keep port area of adequate size. Your vehicle can support the box size needed and you can even build it yourself to the dimensions you like.
  10. 33” Subs with INTENSE BASS 😳🔊 makes entire room shake
  11. Hello all, new to the community and posted a thread asking for any help, advise, etc on a very small and basic set up. Sub/enclosure and amp. That is my main goal at this moment, i just want bass lol. Later I will be looking into upgrading my factory Bang & Olufsen speakers to something better. Thanks for stopping by. Please by all means give me any advise thank again.

  12. Hello all, new member here and to the car audio family. I never had a system in the 90's when all the boys had them and now I have recently been super interested in getting something simple. We only have the 1 SUV for the whole family so going all out is out of the question. I really just want a single 12" ported enclosure. Leaning towards Kicker Comp Q (will need a recommendations for an enclosure), or an L7. Nothing too elaborate. My wife is not into "bass" as we are, so obviously I am going to need something that can be turned down whenever her and the kids are in the truck. I am assuming a bass knob will do the trick but not absolutely sure. As yall can see I am very green/new to all of this. I have "some" knowledge but not enough. Anyways, I know that car audio is more difficult now than it was back in the day. I have a 2021 Ford Expedition Max Limited with the 12 speaker B&O system on the factory SYNC3 head unit. From what I understand it cannot be "upgraded" w/o losing the SYNC3 functions etc. Correct me if I am wrong. Quite frankly I really don't necessarily need or want to replace the head unit nor any of the speakers (at least not yet). I plan on upgrading mids & highs later. I am just wanting to add a new (better) sub/amp. So, back to newer vehicles aren't as simple...I know that the factory stereo has bass roll off and I will have to install a LOC as well. Thoughts on the AudioControl LC-1.800, or LC-1.1500. I believe if I researched this correctly that it will kill 2 birds with 1 stone if you will by not having to purchase an LC2i(Pro)+amp, correct? Should I do the 800 or the 1500 is another question? Thoughts on DSP's, Epicenter Micro. Upgrades to electrical. All the small things etc. Any and all advise, criticism, recommendations is more than welcome. I could not find through the search function anything on my specific vehicle, so if anyone has a 4th gen expy or has installed in one, please feel free to reach out. My apologies for the rambling. I am new to all of this including forums and what the proper etiquette is in these things but im sure I'll be undoubtedly educated by someone. Thanks again. My email if anyone wants to reach out is [email protected] if that's your preference of communication. Thanks again. 🫡🤝🤜🤛 **If this is the wrong Forum/Sub-Forum, just let me know which forum to move it to & I will gladly**
    These mini-subs pack an impressive punch for their size! The six 2-inch drivers work together to deliver surprisingly deep and clear bass, making them a great addition to compact Chill Guy Clicker audio setups. The clear acrylic ported enclosure not only enhances the bass response but also gives a sleek, futuristic aesthetic that looks amazing in any setting.
  13. Thanks for the response Joe I'm aware of the box being smaller than ideal and far as bigger box i could go taller an possibly wider slightly but not deeper (battery box with 2 batteries in the way) on a new box but was keeping it hidden beneath a cargo cover in the back of my 96 ford explorer(has all 2ga wires and 200amp ho alt) with the current sealed box. Was wanting to toy with externally porting the current box being the speakers probably aren't the greatest but do well in the seal box with my 3k amp pushing them. Also here is the info that came with the speakers (tried my best but can't find anything else for them) you guessed it Amazon specials lol so no manufacturer to get any additional info or atleast I couldn't find anyone to contact.
  14. Ported boxes need to be much larger than sealed, the dimensions you provide are for about 3.8 cubic feet, enough for a single 15, a 15"sub will need between 3 and 4,5 cubic feet net depending on the specs of the sub which are not available apparently, if the subs work on ported, the manufacturer should be able to tell you the volume needed and from there you can figure the box they need, also remains to be seen if your vehicle can fit a 6 to 9 cubic feet net box, a SUV should be able to fit that box but no sedan will.
  15. First off hello everyone and thanks in advance for any and all help. Now to my problem at hand I have attempted to use the calculators and programs but still don't understand porting and the subs im using doesn't give a whole lot of specs to go off of . My box is 12x20x36 an i would like to tune it around 34hz for my 2 gravity warzone 15's running on taramps smart 3k amp. Thanks again, Daryl
  16. Testing this monster 15,000 watt amp at 1/2 ohm powered by a "folded SCiB" Lithium bank ⚡
  17. Earlier
  18. Your problem is more than likely what Joe said with your amp not being crossed over and allowing dangerous frequencies through, so when using the DD-1 for the tweeter and mid channels make sure your amp has the HPF turned on while leaving the crossover dials flat. Though it could also sound like the built in channel summing on the LC7i isn't sending out a fully summed signal for one reason or another which is needed. I would check with a test speaker to make sure you have a full pass signal coming out of each of your channels of the amp and that it isnt still using the oem radio/amp crossover settings.
  19. Unless you're buying an externally regulated alternator you will not need a regulator. I also don't suggest running an externally regulated alternator anyways since mostly only people in competition that need 16-18volt charging systems use them, and not everyday daily drivers. Really all you need is said high output alternator, upgrade your cables like you said with 1/0 gauge, and typically a shorter serpentine belt that is about 1/2 inch shorter (sometimes 1 inch shorter). The length of the built really depends on where your belt tensioner rests with the oem alt and where it changes too with the high output alt that has a smaller pulley. So it maybe a good idea to mark it with a sharpie so you can see the difference. If your belt is too long then your tensioner will not properly tension under certain loads causing for a loose belt and belt slip.
  20. Hey guys and that random girl, I am getting ready to upgrade my electrical system in my 05 Jeep Grand Cherokee Larado 3.7L v6, already have the big 4 done with 4ga ofc but I am upgrading the alternator to a high output alternator so I plan on redoing those cables with 1/0 but besides that...What all is needed when upgrading to a high output alternator? Am I going to need anything else such as a regulator, etc? If so, what exactly? Right now I am using a Sony MEX-XB100BT headunit, (2) sets of Alpine Type-S Components front & rear, powered by a Memphis (16-MRA4.480) 4ch amp running around 400w @ 4ohms, and a Stinger MT-1500.1 amp to power my 15" Eclipse Titanium (SW9152DVC) subwoofer running around 1000w @ 2ohms. Do you guys think a 240a alternator will do just fine for my setup? The stock alternator is a whole 130a. Hopefully I gave enough info for someone to give me some insight into what I need to get. Again, all cables will be replaced with 1/0 ofc as well. Thanks for taking the time to hear me out. Jon
  21. I'm interested in buying one and wonder if they ever come up used? I have over 400 amps and would really like to test them as the stats are what I'm most interested in. I do have some smd tools including the first ever dd1+. Will post some pics. I am going through and organizing all my gear.. It's taking longer than I thought it would.
  22. Hey everyone I just bought a new F150 and I love it and sadly now my 2017 Ford Fusion is sitting neglected in the driveway and I was wondering if there was anyone on here that has done a wall build in a Fusion and if there was any advice you could give me
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