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Posts posted by bahnmaster

  1. nope, maybe to you but not to me.

    sorry but my truck is slammed and modded most of the way thru in one way or another, just like a full size mini truck...with the exception of gettin my seats done (which is next). So the steering wheel was a must. I dont care for a huge stock steering wheel. The billet dont look too bad i guess, but i didnt give them much of a shot, im a MOMO guy and thats what i wanted so thats what i got. Its not blue, bright yellow,, bright red with yellow highlights (ricer style) it is black. A black on black steering wheel that is smaller then stock with a badass billet hub adapter is not Rice IMO. Maybe you should drive my truck and see how it feels then hop in the same car (another tahoe or Chevy truck) and feel how goofy the stock wheel is.

    stock wheel, 15.5" (i think, i know its a hair bigger then 15)

    new MOMO for teh shlahoe , 13.8"

    MOMO in my honda 12".....

    so you can see i didnt make it too small but juuuuuust right ;)

    haha dude steve, if i were to take ur truck for a test drive i can garuntee you wouldnt see it again lol j/p Do you ever visit wisconsin?

  2. well lets see here. i have two 12" IDMax and i think they are gay. i have had a 15" RE Audio SE. i have crisped up the coils nice and black on many Kicker subwoofers, if i were to get a DD it would be the 95 series, not impressed with AQ, I dont have enough money to get an FI Audio subwoofer that can handle the wattage i need, and T3 is SPL.

  3. Yeah, ive allways liked Audiobahns higher quality equpment. i had a pair of AW1006Ts and they beat pretty hard for 10s. Then one of my buddys had two 12" AW1206Ts and them quaked in his Astrovan. I remember a while ago when we were checkin out this camaro that had two 12" cheap ass audiobahns in it with a Legacy 1200 watt. LOL when we left he was like HAHA ILL GIVE THEM A TASTE OF SOME AUDIOBAHNS and started flexing the windows on the store where he worked. Im not sure ive ever laughed as hard as i did that day lol

  4. none taken, i dont have a wall....

    actually im 3" past the window line now since i had to lift the box to get amps under it. Im still right at the top of the seat line and have full view thrue all my windows though. I dont care what dbdrag or usac says, its not a wall.

    At home ive touched high 158's with the window down at the dash on music so hes almost as loud. Also with 8 MD3 amps on 2 18's i dont see that lasting too long bumpin before they get hot and smelly :D Mt's can take that for a burp but not for very long on music.

    Trust me on this, i had 2 MT 18's for a long time....i know their limits and if an MD3 is as powerful as i think it is (edit: greg says 2k each, so 8k per sub) then he cant bump music at those levels for very long at all. You can burp the daylights out of them at that level though no problem.

    Are you sure putting your amplifiers under your enclosure is such a good idea steve?? I mean, they DO need alot of ventilation in order to keep cool, unless you have a fan under there. Thats the reason my PA amp fried. It got to hot and melted shit inside. BUT since when did i know anything about car audio :mellow:

  5. I believe that Resonant Engineering Audio is more of a Sound Quality Company, where as FI Car Audio is more into SPL. Both companys design and build great products. My personal favorite tho has allways been Resonant Engineering. I used to own a 15" Resonant Engineering SE Series and I loved it. It produced the most cleanest bass i have ever heard. I sold it to my buddy for 100 bucks because the magnet rattled off the cage from poundin.

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