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Posts posted by MickyMcD

  1. Yo, sorry to dig up an old thread, but I got to rant and poeple around me don't really want to hear it it seems.

    My old woman goes off at dinner about how the family does fuck all to help and that we all treat her like shit and that we treat her a like a mental case. She goes off at my old man for no reason at all and blames him for her shit outlook on life, then goes off at my brother, sister and me for doing fuck all. You know what bitch? I work my fucking arse off for you. I am 16, and haven't had a fucking holiday in over 24 months becuase I work, I go to school and I volunteer up to 75 hours a week at the local theatre. I work so I don't have to depend off you. I make my own food, I do my own work, I do any jobs you ask me to do, and you blame ME for your fucked outlook on life? Fuck you, I don't need your shit. Fuck up and fuck off before you try to tell me that I'm lazy.

    To top it off, I missed a job opportunity becuase I'm too busy dealing with your shit and I've destroyed one of my only sources of income, my PA.


    Sorry to throw my problems at you guys, but ranting helps.



  2. The calculation you are using appears to be the calculation for energy released into a point source. There are too many variables involved with sound reproduction to accurately use that calculation in a normal environment. The efficiency of the drivers, the dispersion pattern, size/shape/volume of enclosure, type of enclosure etc etc.

    Best to stick with what we all know works methinks.



  3. If I am correct, the calculation is not taking into account the inefficiency of the coil based loudspeaker. According to Wikipedia (and backed up by many sources); Most loudspeakers are actually very inefficient transducers; about 1% of the electrical energy sent by an amplifier to a typical loudspeaker is converted to the acoustic energy we can hear. The remainder is converted to heat, typically in the voice coil and magnet assembly. The main reason for this is the difficulty of achieving proper impedance matching between the acoustic impedance of the drive unit and that of the air into which it is radiating.

    What that is saying is that loudspeakers are extremely inneficient and do not work in IH8PunkRok's calculation. Those calculations are in reference to a 100% effiecient driver.



  4. Got a new Peavey PV3800 (1300wrms @ 4 ohm a side) last week.......messing with the gains to see when the DDT sets off.......forgot to reset them....fire up the PA today.....start bumpin some Hypnotize by Jeezy...walk outside to get me some eats...bass hits and it's crazy loud, waaaay louder than I have it set..Run back inside to the sound of woofers flying apart and the smell of dead coil. One dead 18" and one possibly critical 18". Fuck that, last thing I need.



  5. Fuck it when you buy a new Peavey PV3800 power amp and a new Wharfedale EVP-X18B 18" sub......it doesn't arrive......you go to pick it up....they lost the Power amp in Brisbane......They sent up the wrong sub......Then the wrong sub get's damaged in transit....Then you misplaced the date of a gig and forget it's on....then you get a call that you have 10minutes to set up the sound system.....Then back to school. FUCK THIS SHIT IN THE FUCKING ASS

    At least now the amp has arrived....a week late, but better late than never.



  6. Then I highly reccommend the Behringer EP2500. While it is not the greatest amplifier to be released, it is a good value for money rackmount power amp. It will give your towers 750wrms @ 4 ohms quite cleanly. From personal experience, I've never had one thermal out or fail on me, so I definately think that this power amp will suit your needs.



  7. Don't even think it. There is no way in hell that Technical Pro will produce an amp that pushes 5000w. If you look at the page, it says 350w @ 8 ohm MAX. That's pitiful for a "5000" watt amplifier. If you are really strapped for cash but need something with a bit of punch, look at the Behringer EP2500. Crown MacroTech or XTi it isn't, but it will walk all over anything Technical Pro.

    Also, Technical Pro hide their specifications. Nowhere could I find slew rate, damping factor or current draw, only the Peak Power rating, not even on their own site. I'm sorry mayne, but the old saying applies here; Shit Cheap, Cheap Shit.



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