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Posts posted by MickyMcD

  1. Hey,

    My friend is the importer for AA and Fi in New Zealand, I'm sure he could ship as far as Brisbane but shipping is gonna ream you out more than the All Blacks did in the rugby :PWould you like me to check with him if he'll ship to aus?

    Although chances are unless you're really fixed on the Fi you'll get much better value from a DD 9518 or a Atomic APX18 since there are already established dealers for them in Aus.

    Laugh it up. But it is okay.....

    ....everyone has to win once.



  2. I don't see what the problem is. He wanted something unique that would make people stop and look. Whether that be a painted and chopped up ute, or a big blue rubber dick attached to your front bumper, attention grabbers are attention grabbers. The colours and design don't tickle my pickle, but it certainly got my attention.

    It doesn't have to be practical either. A lot of what happens on this site isn't practical, but that doesn't seem to garner a comment.

    The guy did something different, and like Mr. Meade's haters, you have given him more publicity.



  3. Thanks buddy, that does clear a lot up. I did have stunning performance with the two HD4890's, but I am after something similar without the instability. Getting the two cards to work properly took a long time with a lot of customisation. Going on your advice there, a single 5870 looks like it will do the trick for me. I did think about the 5970, but I don't like the idea of two extremely hot cores on that single sink. I could easily push past 85 with a HD4890, so I wouldn't want to run the gauntled there.

    Thanks matey.



  4. G'day all,

    So, as said, turns out the Sapphire HD4890 is flammable. Who'd have thought. Both were running fine with their new lovely HK Full cover nickel plater waterblocks, then pop. One PWM VREG blew out, blowing molten who knows what onto the card below it, shorting out and frying the lot. I'd show you all pictures, but in my dissapointment they have been disposed of....

    ...in a bigger fire.

    So, here's the deal. I need some graphics processing, and I have my eye on the ATI 5870. It looks like a great piece of hardware, and the specs speak for themselves. My concern is that I could also pick up a GTX295 for a lower price, but may be able to have similar benefits. So is DX11 really something to be excited about? Newls, you know the insider info in the gaming hardware industry, and seeing as all I do is look at switches blinking their network traffic goodness all day I don't really know the gaming industry at the moment. I do like ATI quite a bit, and the 5870 looks pretty hardcore, but....?

    And opinions go.



  5. see the nice thing mick is im fully aware of this

    and you of all people have an ear for things like this

    but the average joe wouldnt even be able to tell the difference over the rattles in their cars when it comes to phase


    so if ur doing time alignment... would u just put random distances in or start with actual measured distances for a reference

    not trying to argue mick, just saying almost everyone who reads this likely wouldnt be able to tell the difference so starting with logical settings is best... then fine tune if u feel it doesnt sound right... which is in the ear of the beholder :clapping:

    (btw id love to have ur job :give_rose: )

    Too true I guess. I disagree with your statement of having to invert phase on driver flip, but I can certainly see and appreciate where you are coming from, and why you made the statement, and how in many cases it is fact.



  6. wow wrong answers, glad ed was here

    if u invert, u need to either switch positives and negatives or change phase from 0 to 180

    u have to do this

    once u are ready to fine tune then u can see what sounds best but 90% of the time having the sub in-phase with the rest of the system sounds correct and more accurate

    inverting will raise box volume and raise tuning

    u can hook a sub to a wall outlet and it will make sound, does that mean thats what ur suppose to do just because it works, no

    And what if your system is out of phase by 180 degrees to begin with? What if when you installed your bass driver, it was actually out of phase? And inverting its wiring polarity placed it back in phase? According to you, you MUST invert the phase when inverting driver placement, so in this situation, you just placed your bass driver 180 degrees out from your system phase response.

    Good job.

    And further, what if your enclosure had such a terrible group delay that the resulting output was close to inverse phase? And what if the incident wave is being bounced around inside the boot (trunk) badly, and it is almost inverse phase?

    Tune with your ears, not with the knowledge of how someone else tuned their system. Best RTA you have are located either side of the head.



  7. Enclosure shape plays a large role in the frequency response of the unit, and will effect standing waves inside the enclosure and enclosure resonance.

    A perfectly square enclosure is very vulnerable to standing waves in contrast to a trapezoidal enclosure. However, a trap enclosure is very rarely used in car audio as it is more about getting the damn heavy blasted thing to fit in the car than focusing on things like standing waves, air load anomalies etc.

    Just design your porting to prevent huffing at low frequencies, and give that woofer plenty of airspace. Try and load her in the center of the box, and tell us how it went.



  8. no problem better to underpower than overpower contrary to popular belief.

    Load of crap.

    No headroom - no transient peaks past 0dB. Non-harmonic distortion artifacts instead of transient peaks as you come in and out of the rails.

    Headroom - transient peaks to headroom, room before you hit the rails in the power amplifier. General rule, have another 3dB of gain up from your rated power. Thus, you still have clean headroom at maximum system volume.



  9. Shitt i know it was fuckin dumb but i aint goin to the doctor hhell no. I will just try what stang said.

    Tons of kids did it on the football team but i really should of baccked out this is just stupid i aint no emo fuck

    Obviously your reputation for being a man is more important than risking an infection. Your wound is infected. That white gunk is puss, and is being produced as your body attempts to fight off the infection.

    I actually hope you don't go to the docs. Then you can look at the a) nice scar, B) gaping hole, c) necrosis and think 'Hell yeah, I'm cool. Glad I didn't go to the docs!'

    Also, you will never get rid of the scar. You have destoyed the flesh. You have scarring.




  10. A clipping indicator or overdrive indicator or however you would like to call it is a complete schematic that must be built within tolerance of the amplifier itself. To my knowledge, there is no plug and play indicator built. Most distortion detection knows the maximum and minimum conditions for a sine wave within the device, and if those definitions change on the maximum side it will indicate so. You could build the circuit externally within tolerance of the amplifier, I am sure that a circuit out there exists. Try the AES, they may have something.

    Personally I think it is a bit silly not to ahve distortion indicators on any power amplifier.



  11. Please be careful guys. Once your ears ring, the damage is already done.

    I'll repeat that. Once the ringing starts, the damage is already done. Ringing in your ears is caused by the small cilia (the sensory 'hairs' inside your cochlea) becoming flattened and creating a biological 'short'. Once they flatten out, they no longer detect changes in air pressure. You lose your hearing.

    If you would like to know what it is like, grab a graphic EQ and play your favourite song, the song that you know you couldn't live without. Then slide 12K down -3dB, and make a smooth ramp off to 20K with 20K finishing at -12dB. Then drop 1, 4 and 8K by -2dB, and enjoy your song. That's how it will start, and then it will get worse.

    Please, look after your ears. You only have one pair.



  12. Yes. Learn to use a keyboard, as PC games incorporate a lot of keyfobs that can't be mapped to a controller (often).

    Grab Half Life 2, Episode 1 and 2, and Gary's Mod. o lawd.

    FEAR is always good, and I must say I really got into S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl. Really great gameplay, and the looks aren't bad either.

    Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance is a visually intensive game for when you are in a Real Time Strategy mood.

    Super Mario Bros. Nothing will ever beat World 1-2.



  13. At my place of work, which is Network Administration at a college in Australia, we are using 7 on all of our (IT Staff) machines, recording studio machine, show control machine plus any machine we can. Our verdict;

    We love it. The GUI scores about a 4/5 (remove any look-flash Aero or what not), but the coding and kernel is top notch. We really do think it is miles ahead of anywhere Vista hoped to be. Once Aero is off, User Account Control is disabled and your machine tailored to your own use, it's fantastic.

    That, and it recognised a six-disk RAID5 array and installed correctly without slipstreaming drivers. Just did it. MILES ahead of most operating systems, including most commercial Linux systems.

    Upgrade, it actually is worth it.



  14. Counter-file with a similar if not heavier issue, and duke it. The bottom line is, the red team damaged your property and if you can prove it, has harrassed you since then. They expected a response, they were given a response and not they will try and trap you. You have to show that you will not back down, and unless they can PROVE that you did so and so with this and that, it won't hold. If you can PROVE that you were contacted first, and that this happaned and what not, victory is yours.



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