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Posts posted by younggun69

  1. I have almost the same situation. She and I have been super close for 3 yrs. Everytime she goes and finds another guy during the first week theyre datin she calls me up and we go do stuff. Well here recently things have changed. Her last bf was a big pussy whore and thats all he wanted so they broke up. We started talkin and wat not again and hangin out too much. Since we're both going on trips tomorrow we decided we needed to hang one last time yesterday. Things just started goin south. Last nite we were talkin and at first she was saying she didnt have feelings for me then it went from that to im sorry ive screwed you over so many times and then she said that she wasnt tryin to lead me on or screw me over and i told her shed been doin both then one of my good friends called her and told her to stay out of my life and to stop screwin me over. So she said that i should think about wats best for me and we should move on or not. Its very very very complicated.

    Fuck girls man too much drama!

  2. Our family doesn't have any crime in it.................... we're just stupid lol I have a relative that lost 2 fingers 2 a gas powered washing machine and was showing someone how he did it and he lost a 3rd!

    edit: My mom just told me that one of my relatives murdered his wife and got away with it. So we're a stupid crime filled family :D

  3. My box build is over here, http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...showtopic=42499 but before i cut the port holes i wanted to get a opinion. My subs will face up/forward obviously, but do i put all 3 ports in the front of the box firing toward the seats, or 1 on each end facing the sides and one forward to the seat.

    Thanks for any input, im new to the ported box thing totally.

    Everyone I've asked said sub up port up if possible. I had PWK design me a box and he put the sub firing forward and the ports firing up right next to the side of the cab if that helps any.

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