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Posts posted by RoderickM2P

  1. One of my friends get really nervous when a cop is driving behind him so he would always pull over to the curb or something and the cop would siren and ask my friend why he pulled over. I find it funny :)

    Cops are retarded. You could be driving 5 MPH under speed limit when all of a sudden cop pulls you over. You ask him why you were pulled over and the cop was answer "Because your vehicle was in my fucking way".

    :o Good one! :lol: :lol:

  2. I bought this and 2 t2001 amps a few years back.

    Comes NIB with birth cert and bass knob.

    Was purchased authorized but the recipt has the t2001 on them so u can't have it unless u want to buy 2 of them!

    The warranty expires in june, after that i don't need the recipt your welcome to it.


    Asking 350, this still is wrapped and sealed as from the factory.

    I shoulda put the manual in th picture but it's there also.

    Is that $350 shipped or $350 plus shipping?

  3. What’s going on everyone? My name is Roderick and I live in Dallas, Texas. I’ve monitored the forum topics for several months now and finally worked up the nerve to become a member. This of course was after I came to the realization that I was addicted and could not go a single day without checking in to read about current topics/events. I’m still trying to get acquainted to posting on the forum, so don’t expect a ton of postings from me anytime soon! (I’d hate to get booted for not reading and understanding all of the forum rules) I must admit that some of you guy’s have pockets that are deeeeeeeeeeep because many of you drop more cash on a single sub than I do on my entire system! I’m glad to be a member and I look forward to learning from everyone.


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