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Posts posted by Ace

  1. damn that does sound pretty good.

    ill have to look into doin that.

    on the reading i did on it everyone was talkin about how much the exhaust shop charged em. RETARDED it cost him 12 dollars. You need a 2.5 ID to 2.5 ID 90 and a 2.5 od to 2.25 id pipe with 2 couplers. i welded mine in after getting it held in with the couplers and made my own hanger cause the stock one BLEW

  2. guess you got the bed on huh ace?

    lookin great, damn i love those mini's.

    ours straight fuckin flies.

    and your truck is lookin clean as ever in these pics.

    haha yea. the mini suprised me. the one ball mod as ur probably familiar with actual suprised the hell outta me after i finished it. Sounded much better and a noticeable power difference. The truck and the mini are about even from a dead stop i might have him by a bit, but from a roll he pulls on me pretty good.

  3. Well i finally got around to a test session. I tested everything on an untouched rim. No sanding , no previous polishing .

    The Wheel of the test


    close up


    The products


    From left to right the products are:

    Mothers Metal Polish, Meguiars Hot Rims Mag& Aluminum Polish, Nevr Dull, Eagle One Nano Wax, Blue Magic, Noxon Metal Polish, and Mothers Powerball Aluminum Polish.

    I then took a highlighter and marked sections for each product and used each per instructions

    Here is after polish is on


    After wiping the polish off here are the results of the seven products.



    So after all the testing and products id have to say the best 2 products are Meguiars and Blue Magic with the Mothers in the can in second place. I still need to sand and stuff for the rims in the bad spots but as far as just polish goes those are my findings.

  4. none taken, just trying to keep you from working your ass off . I really like the mothers too, I use it for upkeep.

    Have you used the blue magic? i feel like the mothers works better for the heavy duty work. I will find out more tomorrow but at this point it appears blue magic looks better. Do you have any experience with sealers? i need to find a good sealer

  5. suit yourself, but your working way harder than neccessary, I have polished alot of metal in my time, nothing works as good as polishing compounds and a polishing wheel, they make the polishing wheel in various sizes, even some to fit on a dremal.

    the compounds are like sanding, the have micro grainuals in them, you do it exactly like sanding low grit to high grit and walla super Sparkly Blingy metal. and you dont have to kill yourself to achieve your goal.

    i wasnt saying you were wrong at all. Im going to try all of that stuff out as well. i was just saying with what i have done so far. no disrespect was meant!

  6. looking real good.

    try some polishing compound with a buffing wheel.

    there are many different compounds for polishing metal

    goto home depot and get the ryobi metal polishing compounds, I used white then Rouge I think






    Looks good but thats also a LOT easier surface to polish then rims. Im gonna get more stuff tomorrow to try out and see what works best. No matter what on rims i feel like because of the angles and tight spaces no matter what elbow grease will never be beat.

  7. I have had pretty good luck with the same mothers polish.Thanks now i have to go out and buy more and clean my rims.

    Haha. Im just showing how my work and luck has gone. I hope to have an update tomorrow on a rim i havent touched yet with never dull and 2000 grit to add and get better pictures to see what is the best.

    Derrick they were sold out of nevr dull but i will have some tomorrow to add to the pics.

  8. I came across a set of polished aluminum wheels for a pretty good price, but someone had been neglecting them for the last couple years. So i decided id find out what worked best to clean these wheels up and make them look like new. Should be easy right, WRONG takes some time and sweat. So here is a write up from my own personal experience on how to clean rims and what works best. Like it, love it, use it, or hate it heres my .02.

    The rims i started with


    Some Close ups



    As you can see a lot of staining and dirt build up. Just all around very dull, dirty, stained, and grimey.

    Here is with mothers metal polish by hand. On the spoke in the center right side was polished with cleaner then buffed off.


    Here is the first set of products i used.



    And here is how it looks after going over one time took about 6 hours.


    Next i used 800 grit sand paper and wet sanded and redid all the polishing again with the speed ball on the bigger parts and on the lip and all crevices where the spokes meet the lip i did by hand.


    Hard to see.


    Heres one that i went over twice compared to one in the shape i got them in.


    So i was happy with it but not overly happy with how it looked and i went over them again which helped but still not 100% so i went back today and got some other products. I wanted to get Blue Magic Metal cleaner and Never Dull but the never dull was sold out so i settled for just the blue magic.

    I took one of the rims i was already done with and did 4 different things on the lip all next to each other.

    The new product, Blue Magic and 1500 Grit Sandpaper.



    From Left to right coming around the bottom i did:

    1500 Grit with a dry microfiber towel polish after, Blue Magic polish, 1500 Grit wetsand and Blue Magic, 1500 Grit wetsand and Mothers.





    Blue magic by itself works best for an already clean surface like i was using. Tomorrow im going to get 2000 grit and see how it looks, but with 1500 then blue magic it took me 2 times to polish it to not notice the very small scratches. IN conclusion for upkeep use blue magic which also leaves a silicone layer to help protect and seal the rims as well. Mothers does not offer any such protection. FOR ROUGH rims like i had i reccomend using the powerball first with the powerball wax then using 800 grit then 1500 grit and then the power ball again to knock down any left over scratches and then blue magic which is what i will do with my remaining rims. Let me know if this helped at all or if there is anything else you want me to try.



  9. my price range is 900 dollars as of now i have found an autotek for around 550.  But i have 900 to spend and on the box i want it to have an changeable port so that i can have daily and then change the port for comps.  I will hopefully be competeing in street 3 in meca and street c in db drag(i think).  I drive a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee Larado.  :) i am not lookin for a box design quite yet as i have some things to clear up first(recone and such) just lookin for a person to do it eventually. thanks a ton guys

  10. i will be running an RE MT 18.  I am looking for an amp that puts out a real 4000 wrms.  Anyone have any input on this amp or any ideas for other amps? Also ik this is off topic but if anyone can help me out with designing a box with a removable port for this sub id like to chat. Thanks all replys are welcomed

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