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Posts posted by 00sdime00

  1. Sooooo....I've been underway since the 4th on my merry way to the Gulf Of Mexico to help out with the oil spill clean up efforts. The Coast Guard Cutter that I happen to be on is only one of a handfull in our fleet with the capability to skim spilled oil off the surface of water. So far we've made our way down the coast of Cali, and through the Panama Canal. I figured I would start this thread to show you first hand some of what is going on there, and to give some of you an idea of what I do at work. I can't upload pictures right now, but when I get the chance to, I will.

  2. The Rex


    That's not just THE Rex.....That's Anna's Rex......Big difference. Just be glad she didn't catch you slippin.... lol


    Looks like you had a good time. Good ol Krusty knows how to dress up the hog, so to speak.....meaning, he will stop whatever the hell he is doing to bullshit and show you around and answer any questions you have about his products. I :good:: him for this very reason.

  3. LoL....I've been to a few scip clubs where a couple ladies have been in contention for the top places......and this shit is no joke. They are all about the competition. +1 for bringing this athletic sport to the forefront of the forum for all to see. This is akin to gymnastics to all my girls working their ass off in teh scrip club...You fuggin go girls. :D

  4. OrionStang. I was a system admin in the military. You are well within your rights of using your government email for that item as you are not within the united states. I'm very interested to see how this plays out.

    x2...Please keep us up to date on this as there are a few prior and current ISM's on the staff here...I will make sure that this gets handled as necessary.

    Yours respectfully,

    ET1 Joseph S Spalding, USCG....:D

  5. A Sundown 3500 is nothing to play with, especially with the proper electrical backing it. If you are clipping the hell out of that amp(btw which can only be really verified with an o-scope) you will most certainly will smell coil. The gain setting is not volume...no matter where the dial indicates. It reflects the ratio of amplification of the input signal vs output signal. That is it. If you are clipping the inputs.....then expect the output to be clipped.

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