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Cj Kumz

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Posts posted by Cj Kumz

  1. I was afraid that wouldn't be enough power..saw a vid on YouTube with a guy that have the same truck add mine have two nightshades with a ns1 and the subs look like they are barely moving

    How much the subs will move depends on a lot of things like how close the song is to tuning, the box size, port size, etc. So simply watching a video isn't evidence enough that a 6500w amp will fail to power two 2500w subs. But if you getting another sub you will need more power as you suggest
  2. Ok I will when I get the chance to record. Ok only thing is I gat 2 clamp meters and no dmm. What I did was clamp the positive speaker cable and put on A~ 200. Then the other clamp meter I put the leads on to the positive and negative on the speaker outputs and set clamp on AC. Then ran 35 hz tone 40 hz and 50 hz tone. Best results were at 35 hz though box rise was way above normal dnt you think

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