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Posts posted by ballercec

  1. I'm about to get two re audio se12d4 12" subs at 600rms each and a new amp maybe an AQ1200D at 1200rms and was wondering if i should upgrade my regular battery for my jeep. Right now i have two power acoustik 600rms 15" subs and a volfenhag 1000peak 500rms amp and my car is find but the subs and amp i'm going to get are much higher quality than what i have now.

  2. I'm about to purchase two 12" RE audio SE12D4 subs rated at 600rms each to go in the vented box at this link: http://www.xtrememobilesolutions.com/kvported12dual.html since its the box recommended for two of these subs. I was also lookin at gettin either a Cadence TXA-1000D or Audioque AQ1200D and was wondering what your thought about these subs, box, and opinions on the possible amps. My price budget for the amp is between 150-250max so if there are any other suggestions on a good amp that will push these subs like they're meant to and will give good sound and bass let em fly. Any help comments or suggestions concernign any part of this would be great. Thanks

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