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Posts posted by no0b4lif3

  1. looks like a nice little toy there.... i dont have ANY tools, and i wish i did, good thing i work and a metal fab. shop, we got everything i need to use there... so when i get some money to make my box, thats where im going to do it...

  2. "oh and a decka rep stated their battery will either compare or beat an optima yellow


    i dont see how you got that the optimas are better from me saying the deka bettery would either compare or beat an optima yellow

    he didnt say that you said that, he was just saying why would anyone trying to sell you something tell you that someone elses product is betteR?

  3. well, if everything goes as planned and i get my paycheck tomorrow. ill be buying the subs and mdf, and if i can get a hold of a camera, ill try to take some pics. the pics might have to wait till its all done, since the gf doesnt like to be at my work, for some reason...

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