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Posts posted by no0b4lif3

  1. Man that made my ears hurt...Man..had to turn the speakers down and sound still came through...Cool..Find

    lol, one of my buddies was up one weekend, and just to piss him off (he has sensitive ears) i played a 13khz tone and he was on the other side of the house, and all i could here is him bitching...

  2. ok, thats about all i needed to know, hopefully when i start building it i can take some pictures, if i can use my gf's camera... and the only thing that i didnt draw in the picture, is there is going to be 45's in the corners made out of the 'scrap' MDF

  3. im a pro at this i bet there is something going on with the head or head gasket

    sorry to bust your bubble lucky, just got the bitch fixed. put near 200bucks into it... it was the Ignition Control Module (135 bux) and i replaced a couple other things to get to where i am now...

    bad news is, from driving it on 2 cylinders a couple times, its got some carbon in it, so im going to see what i can do about cleaning it all out, if it doesnt go away from driving it around to work and shit... and im gonna get the oil changed, and prolly change the air filter while im at it....

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