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Posts posted by jayjay6888

  1. there are plenty of other brands that have made a name for themselves in that same price range and the quality is better.... you could go with the majority on this site and get a dc LVL 3 15 which is around that price and you could also get a fi ssd or a 15 alpine type r from sonicelectronix.com

  2. what are you trying to power either one with? imo unless your grossly overpowering either one, neither needs the options. I'd take a Stock lvl 4 over a BP Q all day. and a stock Q can take 1500 RMS daily NP same with the DC sub. Of course the companies dont endorse that for warranty purposes but either one will take 1500 in stock form NP.

    IMO though neither sub needs 500 over RMS to perform greatly, and after hearing my boy's 18 DC lvl4 with 5 coil had i known what he was getting id have told him to skip the level 5 coil as well.

    what is your boy powering his with?

  3. figured they were overrated a little that why i was looking at the 3000d because it says 1700 at 1ohm and im not expecting to get a birthsheet reading like a rockford or a MTX but i didnt want to put 1700 to it anyway i want this system to last for a while and i dont want to be overpowering it and having to do recones all the time... just something to wang on hard all the time so that 1700 at 1 ohm has got to be somewhere in the area of 1500 and thats good enough

  4. i was wondering the quality of power acoustik and was wondering if they were overrated because i was going to get either the PS1 3000D or the PS1 4000D for my next set up and also i can control that amount of watts im getting but setting my gain with a DMM because i get keep getting mixed answers and either one of these amps will be a little bit stronger than i need if they put out true power?



  5. i cant decide between the two since ive never heard either of these subs in person so...... i was going get the Q with the BP option ($350shipped) or the LVL4 18 with LVL5 soft parts just the coil ($340 shipped) im not sure on just how much the DC will take with soft parts but probably the same as the Q about 200-500 more(safely) the set up will be daily and not going for spl so the enclosure will probably be around 7-7.5 cubes tuned to 30-32 hertz... so if i could get some of your opions on the strengths of each sub that would be greatly appreciated

  6. go to sonicelectronix.com they have plenty of amps that will power that Q for less then 300 before shipping of course but i was looking at the MTX ta7801 for the next set up that im going to get or the power acoustik 3000d or 4000d and the list goes on but just check the website out im sure that you will find something thats good for you...

    oh did you get the bp option and what is the coil configuration?

  7. wait i thought 2 dual 1 subs could be wired to 1 ohm (.75 For FI's) by wiring each sub in a series that would be a 2ohm load then wiring the two subs together parallel that would be a 1ohm load right

  8. i realize it is 1ohm stable.... im kinda new to the car audio scene but i ran accross something about box rise? can someone explain? because i want to go with a dual 2 18Q or 2 15"ssd's dual 1's wired to 1 ohm and that means that the amp will see a .7ohm load and i dont want to blow my amp

  9. iight thats good to here soon as this income tax check comes... hopefully soon. i will order that and depending on the birth sheet i will be ordering a 18Q or 2 15" ssd's(which i know will hit harder but i want to make a statement by getting an 18 b/c i dont know anyone with one) but if the birthsheet is somewhere around 1700-1800 which my friends was then im not going to risk putting it on the Q

  10. turns out it isnt anything electrical at all went out and tried to turn the crankshaft manually yesterday and couldnt even budge it (and im a big guy 6ft 320lbs) new it was coming the cars 14 yrs old... but on a lighter note going car shopping today just need something to hold me over for the next 3 yrs or so until i get out of college still dont know what i want but i dont want but i do know its not going to be car unless its a very big car

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