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Posts posted by camino_1to3

  1. nah dont start like that thats one thing my books on english writing said to stay away from.

    What kind of school did you go to? I want to know the publishing company, name and edition of that book. A great hook is best based on catching the readers attention. A THESIS is the summarization of the entirety of a written work.

    I would like to meet your high school teacher, as well as you. HA

  2. Don't start off with "Hi, my name is ___"

    Give them a catchy statement at a beginning "Ever wonder what XXX.X decibels sounds like inside car" something that catches their attention, that's what they're looking for.

    Conclude with an actual conclusion, summarize what you've said in the aspect of why you believe it's so enjoyable and what it's given people as a fun hobby.

    (I only got one score below a distinguished during my entire high school stint)

    If you need more in-depth help, shoot me a PM.

  3. hell yankee stadiumwas over a billion to build and we are in the times we are now. kinda seems like a close comparison to the empire state building thing

    Not nearly. It doesn't carry the symbolism it did then, and we aren't within a far cry of the situation at hand during those times.

    Thanks for at least some input. It's insane how few people know our history now. Two day old thread with only five posts, including mine.

  4. It is an unfortunate truth that alot of this countries economic problems are solved by the profiteering of war. World War 2 certainly helped to get our nation out of the red and into the black again, but is that really the best way to do it? With the cost of human life so that our stock market can climb? I hate knowing that is true.

    As far as the depression starting , and the stock market crashing, I read this a few weeks ago:

    Mental Floss Magazine ( best magazine out there, next to Wired Magazine )

    March-April 2009

    Volume 8, Issue #2

    page 16, Article by Adam Rosen


    About five weeks before the stock market crash of 1929, Albert H. Wiggin, the president of Chase National Bank , knew his company's stock was about to take a nosedive. Not the type of captain to go down with his ship, Wiggin sold 42,000 of his shares. Although legal at the time, the massive dumping went a long way to making Chase collapse, and by early December, Wiggin had made $4 million off his own company's misfortune. Spurred by Wiggin's actions and shameless greed, the federal government formed the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1934."

    I would say that stuff like this had a lot to do with how the depression got started....

    Well yes, black Tuesday. It's simple, 17.4 million shares are sold and that is the final straw in the downfall of the stock market for the next twelve years.

  5. The Governator ran that place into the ground! Is there any justification for the crazy tax hike? Is to pay out the state tax refunds?

    He did hurt California's economy, upon his entry into office it was doing well, now it's on the latter end. Justification?, Arnold is crazy money hungry, IMO.

    I do agree with the smog regulations though, thats how it should be everywhere.

  6. well mine is tuned to 34hz and i can only get up to 148, so if he wants mid 40s then yeah he can do it with that, but if he wants to go over 150 its gonna be really rough with a low tuned box... which is why i suggested 38 or higher

    I agree, if he wants to compete on a higher level. For daily and competition, he could compensate with a box tuned to between ~36-38hz, the box will still hit low and could compete, so yeah. 148 is still considered a great number though, and a high one! =] Especially when you're talking two 15"s.

  7. I would like to debate the subject with other members, willing and knowledgeable of it. It's one of my favorite criteria of study and one of the most interesting historical times to date in my opinion. What do you guys think could have been done differently on Black Tuesday to prevent the market crash? What do you guys think FDR could have done differently with the New Deal, the National Recovery Adminstration and other FDR platforms? What does everyone think Hoover could have done differently to aid his popularity and support during the peak of his Presidential term and beginning of the Depression? Also, what's your standing on the Empire State building being built from 1930-31 during the Depressions beginning, was it enough guiding light for the American people or economically a bad move letting John Jakob Raskob build it?

  8. do you want to hit high #s with it? since you said competition, you wont get high #s with a low tuned box

    Uhh, blanket statement? :01nocomment8so:

    Hitting decent numbers with a low tuned box is definately possible when you're talking what he wants to do, and what drivers he's using. You won't get the highest possible number, sure, but there is no backing to say you won't hit high numbers with a box tuned to 32 hz. You should provide your opinion on what's considered a high numerical decibel score, as everyone's opinion differs.

  9. i was just saying what i have all together as of right now i have those 2 jls in my car then 2 15 hypnotics brad new in my house

    I'm not familiar with the brand name Hypnotic.

    I would recommend getting the paramenters on each different pair of subs, then making a comparison with the Hifonics 12"s after that. If you have trouble we'll gladly help you here on the forum.

  10. i want to paint my brake calipers and brake drums. the brake drums have a fair amount of rust on them. i wanted to know how i could get the rust off. also i would like to paint them black. whats a good paint to use?


    Go get some brake parts cleaner, at Advanced they sell a brown (generic-ish) bottle, it's better than the valvoline. You can pick it up anywhere though (wal-mart, Autozone, O'reilly, Pep Boys, ect.). As for paint, any regular spray paint should work. If it's the calipers, when you drop it from the rotor make sure not to stress the brake lines, or you'll be paying for alot more than paint.

  11. the tsns would shit on a lvl5

    nothing against DC but that would be like putting anything of dc against a sony not even the same category the tsns has to many advantages

    but the one thing I will give the lvl5 is when you order one you actually get it not some bullshit excuse

    with that been said I would love for DC to do a 4" coiled sub I think it would sell pretty well in the dbdrag and bass race world

    lol Wenn ur the official douche bag of the day. Lol I wouldn't say DC vs. Sony, that's going too far dude! The Level 5 Vs. T.S.N.S is like the diff. between a welterweight and a middleweight IMO.
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