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Posts posted by RMC66

  1. SMD,

    ATC from same company -

    Don't really pay attention to the part they are making, it's crap, and boring. BUT, notice all the tools in the rack with all the different lenghts? The tools are being set to Zero, when to tool taps down on that metal pad, and that sets the tools endpoint to zero, so that the tool can follow the same work height as the last tool.

    Tool setting is only done when you put a new tool in a holder, or you want to double check, not needed before every part is made, BUT on a manual setup, you have to reset tool ANYtime you make a change. This is because you only have 1 tool location to save a zero point to. NOW, if they have a decent program that runs their machine, you MAY be able to set several VIRTUAL tools up maybe 1-10 so that you even though your program will stop, it will do a VIRTUAL tool change, and when you press restart (after making your manual change) it will act just like an ACT would, and then continue using the next tool bit on your work piece.

    ALSO, their part entry speed is SLOW, but that's just crappy programming (not the program, but someone just setting the speeds and feeds at child levels). Your machine can and will move faster than this boring video.


  2. FYI, make sure they throw in some TOOLING!!!!!! (those are the cutters, and spindle holder (aka tool holders)). You'll want MORE than one because that way you can have various tools loaded into the machine.

    I also noticed, that the table your getting DOESN"T have an ATC (automatic tool changer) this is fine, if you want to run just one tool type. But if you want to run several different tools, your going to have to program STOPS in your program, for manual tool changes, which isn't the biggest issue. The big deal is that that not all tools will NOT have the same height offset, and therefor you may have to write a separate program and mirror of you first program (at a different height offset) or hopefully the software lets you overlap and rerun the previous program and a different offset. BUT, rounding bits will usually have a different' height offset, and ALSO most times have a different zero point due to how they cut.

    In that brand, an ATC, is twice as much though.... but if you ever want to run more than one bit at a time, PRICELESS!!!!!

    When i was making AR lowers (in school lol), it takes over 30 tool setups, and changes. and sometimes you run a bit, just for a second, like a chamfer or a single drill bit. I know that's a more complicated part than wood panels... but if your wanting amazing things CNCed.... it's nice to have options and with how good of a designer you are, I'd hate to see you limited or frustrated by your tools limitations.

    I know you already made the purchase, just wanted to point out some things to think about. I don't know how much you know, if anything about CNC, so I figured i'd just throw some food for thought or atleast maybe you have a few more questions you might want to ask before you lock and load, and dump you mag.

    Hopefully, the sales person pointed all this out to you, and tried to understand what you wanted to build with your new machine, and the goals you had for it.

    NO, bubble bursting here! just looking out bro.


  3. I just graduating this last spring from Tech school in CNC programming and CAD design, your gonna love that thing! imagine doing you cuts, and all your routered corners, engraving, cut lines for doing 90" degree curves (and you can use bits smaller than a saw blade to make the Kurfs super tight!) and doing inset cuts for supports and baffles channels, all in a single cut, and knowing that everything is square, and perfect to boot! HECK, you be able to take ROUND scraps and cut them into perfect squares again if you wanted.

    Your production time should go way down, after you learn the machine, messed up pieces/scraped parts, will be nearly a thing of the past.

    Get ready to BE addicted! - (yup, even MORE than you are now)

    Congrats on the Purchase, the risk will be worth it! And if you decide it's not for you, I'll take it off your hands lol - CNCing Audio stuff a lot more fun and creative than making airplane parts.................

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