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Christopher Cleveland

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Posts posted by Christopher Cleveland

  1. When I was like 13 alot of the older neighborhood kids were bumpin, one had a red Mazda mx3 hatchback w/ 2-12 mtx thunder 8000s, the shiny aluminum looking ones. Don't know what he had for an amp. He'd always come through bumpin "get low" by yin yang twins. Another dude had a red 77 ford Granada 2 door w/ a white top on some spokes with 2-12 sony explodes, the old round red ones. His trunk rattled a lot but I thought that shit was cool as hell haha I liked that car a lot. That was the first car I heard subs from the inside. And to me at 12-13 I thought it was the coolest shit ever. Another dude had a black 96 caddy Eldo on some 20s with a 15 solo baric l5, the black colored ones when they first came out with the square cone, with the kx600 pushing it. A couple years later he fried the tinsel leads and I bought it for 25 bucks and jerry rigged them with some speaker wire and that was my first sub on some Pyle or profile pos amp haha. The first "real loud" system I heard was 3-15 kicker cvrs in a Tahoe around the same time, I remember you could hear that dude BUMPIN a long ways away. It'd shake my parents living room windows when he came by. Another guy had a white mid 80s monte also on spokes with a bra on the front and he'd always creep through with his parking lights on bumpin missy Elliot- get your freak on, that was really loud too, don't know for sure what he had, like 3 12s or something. Another guy had an old brown range rover pos with 3-10 alpine type r when those came out, another dude had like a 95 v6 mustang with a flip out screen deck and a ps2 w/ 2-10 bazooka p miller subs and some bazooka amp, which that system seemed to knock pretty good too. All these guys lived within like 3 or 4 blocks and they were all around during the same era, there was always someone coming by beating up the block. That was that neighborhoods hayday a lotta weekend house parties and shit going on in my neighborhood in the early 2000s. Then I was absolutely fascinated and hooked since. Lots of people in my neighborhood were bumpin. Lotta teenagers living around there when I was growing up. Now days it's pretty quiet. A lot of retired ppl living around there now. Long post, I know. But that's my story of what got me hooked.

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