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Posts posted by micb

  1. thanks...

    i have no clue what you are trying to say other then that...

    When you place a woofer directly on a baffle the air displaced by the cone and outer surround radiates all directions it can, air likes the most direct route so interuptions are bad, if you put a woofer straight onto a baffle the air flows over the basket/bounting ring and onto the baffle.

    If you recess the woofer into the enclosure or add an additional panel ontop so the outer surround is flush with the baffle you improve air flow from the woofer to the baffle, SPL cars use this to gain a few 10ths of a db.

    If you look at your current mounting will have air pressure moving down into the void between your woofers, if you filled that void then the pressure can only move upward in unison into the rest of the vehicle cabin.

    It is not much extra output but every little counts.

    It is not worth changing now it is all trimmed and only a small gain but something to consider in the future.

  2. nice not only does it have a duck but a ZX5 focus :D

    Yep it is a Focus.

    The system is 4 x JBL GT5 10's of 1200 WRMS in a 33hz tuned box.

    SPL testing with/door window open (louder on the lows).

    Peak=142.7dB @ 37Hz





    So it plays quite flat!

    Blocking the port to tune to 20hz makes it do 140db at 20hz.


    Loads of th UK guys have yellow ducks about so there may be more vids!

  3. It is either:

    1) A tensel lead is slapping against something (spider or cone ect) which very common.

    2) Dustcap is vibrating againt the cone

    3) Cone has come away from spider.

    4) Coil is misalligned or damaged and scraping.

    Touch the dust cap does it stop? You need to take the driver out and play it free air, watch the tinsel leads if they are not making the noise then it is likely a problem with the coil i.e recone/replacement time!

  4. It is a very nice install, looks great.

    It playes nice and flat.

    One of my highlights erlier this year was climbing into Mazdawg tunnel about 1/3rd way in to the tunnel manfold and mazdawg burping me at 21hz, 22hz and 23hz flat out. It was deffo high 150's mabye more and so very very gusty, that is the most air I have ever felt that low, it was like being in a hurricane.

    Roll on the next install !

  5. L7 is more of a higher tuned subwoofer that gets loud tuned 35hz ect.

    The Fi SSD 12 is low FS driver that has massive bottom end in comparison.

    Having heard both i'd take a SSD any day of the week, I may be a bit bias as I am just finishing an cool install with 4 x SSD 12's.....

  6. I am redoing my system so decided to try some new subs.




    Fi Audio SSD 12 - D2 x 4.

    The build quality on these drivers seem great.

    Suspension is stiff, loads stiffer than my current RE Audio SR's.

    I've got my own custom box design which is a bit secret at the moment, there will be more details about this later.

    I have 3KW and UK Street C competitors watch out!

    There will be more pics as the build continues.

  7. Nvidia released the 9series a few months ago, thats the latest card made by nvidia i havent heard anything about a GT260 or a GT280...

    Info is starting to come out, a lot of people are under NDA (Non Disclosure Agreements). It looks to be G92 core, 512 bit memory + bus and 256 unified shader processers (double G80 i.e. 8800 series).

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