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Bryan Feltner

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Posts posted by Bryan Feltner

  1. IN my case and probably the OP's case he wants to wire to .5 ohm to get more power and to be able to use a quality brand amp.

    I've got dual 2 ohm sa-12's and to get more power than my 2 ohm stable only 1200 watt amps has I need to upgrade. Today most of the good amps

    Put out maximum power at 1 ohm. So running a 1500-2000 watt amp at .5 ohm to receive the power I need makes more sense than getting a 3500-4000 watt

    watt amp at 2 ohm. Either way your going to need to boost your electrical and it seems like such a waste of amp to run 2 ohm not to mention your paying twice the money usually to only use half of what you pay for.

    Seeing as people are doing this on a regular basis in large numbers nowadays I don't see why it can't be done if done correctly. Heck crescendo will warranty their amps at .5 ohm for $75 more

    Wish sundown did this also

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