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Posts posted by kevinb721

  1. I am a huge COD fan.

    I am the Greatest kar98 rifleman you will ever meet, I can take the hair off a Nats balls form 200yds away.

    I played all of them except 3, I got back into consoles afte 3 yrs of hardcore COD duty, I was in a rifle only clan for 3yrs then it went to straight sniping.

    if your looking for a good cod server, hit up [CST] sniper server tell em [TNP] Ghost Sent you.

    ohhh man i think we should have a little scrim. mosin is my gun i rape close range and long. u got xfire bro?

  2. www.callofduty.com

    ive owned all of the call of duty series games since the first day it was released, and this one looks fuckin sick. it ships out 11.5 and i already got it preordered. anyone else got any opinions on this one? i loved the original cod, and i kinda liked cod2. i play them for the pc btw. cod4 looks sick for the console tho as well. any opinions?

  3. just look at the specs...that doesnt make you want to spend 600 bucks instead of paying 2 grand for LESS hdd space, a slower processor, only 1 gig of memory as opposed to 3...everything just makes more sense. i still dont know why you think mac makes better computers. opinion vs facts ^^^^^

  4. when i said there isnt a decent distributor at a decent price...compare it to the mac on the same price & performance level. yeah there are a dells that are less than a grand but shit you give it something to do th mac can handle it better& faster from my experience.

    well thats just your opinion....not actual facts. yeah sure maybe the dell cant handle it or whatever, but if you're throwing down 3 grand on a mac, you better be pretty damn computer saavy. if you dont know how to assemble a basic computer then you shouldnt be buying a $3,000 computer in the first place.

  5. we cant be having the same argument again. the argument is the AVERAGE person does not know how to build a computer. If you can build a computer and it out performs the mac with the same to little cost then more power to you. But the fact is there isnt a great PC distributor thats good out of the box for a decent price. Only companies i have seen that have nice performing computers would have to be Voodoo PC even then you end up paying $4-5K comparing to a $3k G5 that will render something hell of a lot better than the pc will ever will. If your argument is better gamin on a pc then thats weak. The new g5s are video card upgradeable...drivers are all software based. and if you still feel like you need to run windows run bootcamp then on your mac, you can even take your mac to the appe store and they will help you install bootcamp & setup windows with you if you dont know how to install it on your mac.

    anyways video is funny lol

    like nismo said, its more a personal choice...but saying there isnt a good pc distributor out of the box for a decent price is not true. dell makes great pc's out of the box for thousands less than a mac g5 which imo, is a bit too much $$$ than im willing to spend on a home computer. saying that theres no pc company that makes decent pc's out of the box is all opinion, no fact. im not trying to make ememies here, just saying thats your opinion, and everyones entitled to an opinion. I just think yours is a bit farfetched and unresonable when it comes to buying a home pc.

    and about the gaming part, regardless of if macs are "video card upgradable" they will never outperform pc's in that regard. when you are compairing macs to pc's gaming wise its like your compairing apples to oranges. macs will never have the processing power to meet the higher end gamers needs.

  6. when a mac starts to lag i get this stupid spinning pin wheel of death and it then you set it down for an hour, come back and hopefully its done thinking about what it should do to you next for giggles.


    so true bro. thats the one thing that kills me when i go to work where we run a few g4's. im trying to open an app and im working fine until suddenly i get that little spinning wheel...3 minutes pass and im like uhhh wtf are u doin? i dont even remember what the interupt keys are. apple something lol

  7. macs are only good for 2 things...wait nvm they're not good for anything

    maybe a boat anchor like ^^

    i'm not baggin on the apple corporation, because their ipods are great. their computers are terrible. if you even want to get a mac that is halfway decent....and i mean just halfway decent...you're paying out the nose for it. at least you can build a PC with parts that YOU order so you know exactly what is going into your pc. and I can build a pc for thousands less thats 10x more powerful than any mac will ever be. plus their os is garbage. just my 2 cents

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