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Posts posted by kevinb721

  1. basically, dual core processors can not only process 2 different threads of information at the same time (this is present in a hyper-threading processor) but they can actually process TWICE the information twice as fast. Think of it as a 2 lane highway...one lane for information to travel to the processor, and one back. this would be a single core. Dual core would mean essentially 2 separate processors, (technically 2 separate cores though) so it would be like having TWO 2 lane roads next to eachother. Hyper threading is more like one highway with 4 lanes. 2 for traveling to the processor, and 2 for traveling back. Dual core is more efficient in saving cpu power while operating multiple tasks...i.e burning a dvd or cd while you are surfing the net and playing music. i hope that explains it better if you guys didnt understand the technical description lol.

  2. have you been quoted to fix an amp? if not, youll be surprised how much they are.

    really? well i did call pa to see if i could get it RMA'd and he said i bought it too long ago. the only thing he could do was repair it for $150, flat rate + shipping. idk if that was good or not...what do you think?

    thanks for the input

  3. i would like to get a new amp, but im pretty broke atm and i dont think i have the $$ to spend on a RF or something equivilant to that. just wanted to see which amp would be worth it to fix. but if i must, i guess i'll just save for a new one. just to give you an idea of what im looking for wattage wise, im powering one 12" fi q...so i guess somewhere between 1000 and 1400 watts rms? input please.

    thanks again for all the help!

  4. Ok so heres the deal...I had bought a Power Acoustik A1800DB class D mono block a few years back for my 2 audiobahns I had. One day the amp started to come on and off randomly then it finally stopped working due to fried outputs. So then i bought an Audiobahn A1300HCT high current amp from my friend and I just fried that one a week ago due to a bad ground. My question is which amp do you all think should i get fixed?

    specs for both amps:












    the price of repairs doesnt really matter, i just want your opinions...so if you got an opinion, please chime in :)


  5. how is that quite amusing? in florida, its a 25ft law. if you can hear it from over 25ft away, you get a ticket. $77.50 everytime.

    i find it amusing because here in mass theres no law about having your stereo too loud whether it be 50 ft away or 25 ft away...either distance, its pretty amusing to me that they would go to those extremes to get rid of loudER car stereos.

  6. oh yeah, im almost 100% sure its fried...i saw sparks and a little smoke started to spew out the top of the amp.

    im bringing it to my local audio place tomorrow to see what the damage is. I really need to know what went wrong here...am i missing something? I thought i had it wired right...


    if this is in any way wrong let me know

    maybe my second battery got overcharged or something?

  7. alright well a little update...

    i was tryin to figure shit out and i was connecting my power wire to my amp (by the way, my grounds were both disconnected) and i saw sparks and smelt smoke...:( now that i just fried my amp i have a feeling my second battery was to blame. i dont even know now! im at a total loss and now im without bump for a long while....if anyone could help me out PLEASE PLEASE any suggestions, help, comments, would be much appreciated...if you need any info on my system and car and shit ill post up

    heres the basics for electrical:

    1 big walmart battery up front

    1 smaller one in the back

    4 gauge wire all thru

    2 150amp inline fuses

    audiobahn a1300hct amp w/ three (3) 30 amp fuses... pushing one 12" Fi Q

    stock electrical....i think its a 90 amp alternator but im not 100% sure. if its not 90amp its like 110 or so.

    if you need anything else let me know

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