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Posts posted by cnate777

  1. I had 3 single farad caps on the trunk lid of my 2000 bonneville ssei it looked good however it was heavy as hell and the slightest little wind or bump would slam that trunk closed. That and until I readjusted my trunk tensioner I couldnt even get it to open with the keyless. It was a pain in the ass but it did look good. I have some pics that I will try and find and put them up on here.

  2. I need some help I have 13.08 cubes of space with displacement im at 12.56. 45 wide by 33 deep by 18 tall. I need help with the port. The subs are going to face up and the port is going to face the rear. I was thinking about 144 sq in of port but not sure about how long to make it. I was think about 12 by 12 by ? I want to be at 32 hz I think. I would appreciate any help

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