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Posts posted by bumassjeff

  1. Ok so i broke down and got a new graphics card even tho my 8800 gts was fine but i had a friend that needed a graphics card so i was like shit ill sell you mine so i can get money to put toward a new one so in the end i bought the new 9800 gtx and yup i got some total wood in the pants looking at this beast! Ill try and post up some results of its performance! But what yall think sweet choice eh?

  2. nahh no hybrid tahoes.......they did have tahoes though and i shoulda got one but i agreed to a mid sized car (thru the other persons insurance) because i didnt care, i just wanted to get to work and not have to take transportation from the wife by taking our F150.

    so they almost gave me a PT Cruiser and when i asked them if that was a bus stop out front cuz id rather do that, they said ok you can take tha Altima......i was like OK :D Seriously, its not a bad car, dont let the Hybrid part fool you.

    heres a link.


    Theres flex fuel tahoes

  3. lol. I wasn't aware Intel was coming out with a six core. That's awesome. That six core I imagine would be way out of my budget though. I thought about giving AMD a try but decided to go with Intel. Maybe next time I'll give AMD a try.

    Ya AMD has been my one and only after i left intel a few years ago but gotta hand it to Intel for totally owning AMD on the new quads im sad that AMD is slacking :( sadly i may have to turn away and go Intel eeek!

  4. Ok i got an 18'' BTL sitting around it has no cone for it blew and i tore it apart so now i just have the basket and motor chilling around so if anyone is interested in picking this thing up off of me lemme know its perfectly fine just needs to be reconed so throw some offers out at me because i dont know what to even suggest for a BTL not coned. So if interested lemme know and we will work something out because i wanna get this thing out of my room! and it was a fully loaded D1 BTL

  5. yea and no, you cant bet large amounts like you used too, another great way to make money... now there is a set amount... only up to trade 30k at a time (thats if u have all quests done) if no quests are done its 3k... pking is now in bounty hunter... a area the size of draynor which is ownage for clans.... now there is no tb, and revenant ghosts are in wild... which own lvl 130's with extreme ease.... uhh what else... oh yea there is assist feature which is just another way for people to bug the hell out of u.... and this was all in preperation to remove rwt... which imo is no big deal, if ppl wanna spend 5 bucks per 1m let them.... let them throw there money away... it did cut down on bots... but look at the after math, over 50k ppl have quit... but what does jagex care, we are only 5 bucks

    Man sounds like alot of hassel just to enjoy the damn game! Things like that are why i never went over to rs2. So many good times in rsc and so easy to make cash in rsc with dualing.

  6. more skills, true, but with recent updates, shit has went DOWN the drain big time.. no pking, no trading, lootshare is lame-o.... inother words for some its not ruinedscape.... but hey ill stick it out.... my skills arnt horable idk if u looked me up.... but then again the higher it gets the harder it is to lvl, and so many skills are money based now its disgusting and since no trades there is no way to merchant... i.e harder to make money.... WTF jagex??? :blink:

    Wow im glad i dont play Rs2 that seems like a hella let down! I live for pking! are you still able to dual??

  7. thanks, but i think i will just stick with my old faithfull acc, i got so much work to do on him.... didnt think gettin to that 1900 total would take so long but damn.... =\

    Ya but its prolly not that hard since you have way more skills in rs2 then rsc i havent been on in a few months i tihnk im gonna get on and see what my skill total is all i remember is my str att def hits fishing and cooking are all 99

  8. thanks, but i think i will just stick with my old faithfull acc, i got so much work to do on him.... didnt think gettin to that 1900 total would take so long but damn.... =\

    Haha ya but i would expect it to be easier on Rs2 then rsc because theres way more skills in Rs2 i havent been on in 2 months and talkin about this just made me wanna play again lol so i just bought memebers and about to pop on and check things out.

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