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Posts posted by Sniper

  1. I heard Wes's system before, he has 8 12" JL w1v2 subwoofers in a wall (it was really just a big box, the front didnt cover all the way to the top of the inside), it was ported, he had it on a Power accoustik PA3000DB amplifier, he has 2 12" MXaudio subwoofers in the far back of the car in a black box, was a real big slot port, mouth was maybe 10"x10", anyway, he told me his scores were :

    150.7 this year at the local event (New termlab, metered at the kick)

    150.3 last year at the event. (he didnt say were this was metered)

    he played the track "Feel the bass" by Magic Mike, and I can assure you, it pounded my fucking head in. His windshield was moving back and forth about a half-inch, he had Power Accoustik monitors in his head rests, I thought it was strange how they were facing forward, and that he had head-rest monitors in a walled car, his headunit was an Alpine 9886 (atleast I think thats what it was)

    my ears hurt a ton when the bass kicked in, he did what Steve Meade does when he demos music to people, he keeps the knob all the way down until the people think "thats loud but it aint that loud", then he moves it up to half, when everything starts shakin' it hurts, amazingly I could hear his highs with his bass, the amount of air it pushed was unreal, you know that feeling you get if you hold your hand in front of a woofer thats kicking, you get that warm tingly feeling, when I demo'd his car the first time (really just him showing me the subs when I was over there throwing in a box order and buying some Super Cable (Super Sound by Saxon, its 6 gauge wire) for the MTXs, the second time I came down there I wasnt believing his number that he told me (realize this was about a week later), so, I come up to him in the shop (it was a week before my birthday, November 5th, I'd remember cause my girlfriend Sarah asked me out on that friday) and tell him, I want to hear this wagon, so, we get in the car, he tells me about the setup, he said he had 1 Kinetik HC2400 in the rear of the wagon, I couldnt see it cause he has a really dark tint, its just dark enough that you can make out MXaudio on the subs sitting in the back of the wagon, then he tells me about what he calls "drive-bys", he said he'll get in the turn lane next to somebody with the system turned down, as soon as theirs a greenlight, he flips his boost switch and pulls massive SPL, the person in the next car usually looks all around while sitting in their car trying to figure out whats going on, anyway, after we talked for the few minutes he said to me "you know at the end of the Bass the final frontier album that their is that long note at the end?", and I reply "no, I dont listen to that much magic mike, I've heard drop the bass by him though", to that he replies "well, its time to feel the bass", he cranks up his system at that moment, and I hear the thumps just from the start of the track, I could feel the opening of the track in my back, then the bass kicked in, the pure tone, maybe 50hz or something, but holy shit, made his windshield move, back felt like I was getting a massage, head started hurting, eardrums felt like they wanted to rip out of my head, not to mention everything in his center console was moving, his W1s appeared to be moving about an inch back and forth, I didnt bail though, cause I've been working with Water-jets and that type of stuff, it gets real loud, anyway, I listened to the rest of the track and loved it, it was just so damn loud, my friend Jason Craig then listened to it, See, my friend Jason has long hair, the right side of him where his hair was hanging down almost appeared to be lifted by the bass, it was so damn intense, the outside of his car (where I was standing) was STILL louder than my friend John's car (he has 2 MTX 7515-4s on a single Kenwood 1000w mono-block with an optima red-top as the starter)

    if you doubt wes's car, go to Audiospecialists on 933 and get your ears blown out, tell him that Alex sent you.

  2. mtx600.jpg

    this pic was before I moved the subwoofers to the closet, they sounded too quiet under the desk, they shook the desk good though.


    proof the Bose speakers I have are indeed 201 series 2s.


    and proof I have both the MTXs and 201s, the reason I didnt use the other cam for this is because that cam was stolen a few weeks ago.

    They didnt get the subs because they werent in the open at that point. (you couldnt tell if I had em because of how they were hidden)


    that be my sub amp and my highs amp, I dont have any pictures of the 550 plate amp yet, as of the fact its still shipping :P

    Either way, haters be silenced.

  3. Yes. we've probably seen videos on youtube of the Brazil tuning cars before, the ones with a shit ton of Matador subs, Selenium subs, that sort of thing... well, I was experimenting around with my ALSAmixer and found something incredible

    the L200 song

    I realized it didnt bump at all but had a steady thump to it, so I slowed it down to 70, noticed it got a lot louder, slowed it down to 60, even louder, I took it all the way down to 50% and my pictures started FALLING.

    the walls making that sound of death (nails shaking loose out of the rebuilt wall)

    My front door vibrating a ton harder than it ever did with other music, mind you these subs are on the far end of the house (I live in the Darden/Riverside neighborhood of South Bend, IN (46628) if you wonder how big my house is)

    anyway, check this track out, download the track, slow it down with a good mixer, and blow some hair! :hairtrick:

  4. true, this is the subs in my closet were talking about too, but like you said, its louder in different spots, for me amazingly its the wall of the room on the far end that is the loudest spot, which is also were my desk is, and in the center of the room its quiet (well, not really), in the hallway its ridiculous, I've already dropped pictures from the vibrations, in the bathroom its a little louder than the center of my room, shower door moves visibly (vibrates around 2mm back in forth), my door knob doesnt move, but the next room over (my parents room), their knob moves, I find it strange cause mines still and actually looser, in their room its all about the same as my listening spot except the direct center of the room (foot of the bed), in the living room its not as loud, but you can hear the house rattling itself apart.

  5. (my last name is Walls, pun intended)

    So, I recemtly started cranking some oldschool quad force, and noticed something, I could actually feel my ears hurting

    my bass has a very very powerful peak at 45hz, it makes my head hurt, but i've heard a 140 and a 150, them were both much louder than this, as the 150 really really make my ears hurt (like if I had my ear up to the port of the mtxs, which ive done before on accident, well... I was hooking em up and as soon as I got done, my friend Jason hits the stereo and it starts playing a 50hz pure tone (we use it for setting gain) and my ears felt like they got raped.

    anyway, this passes what I think the discomfurt level is, I cant really be sure though, I can finally hear the low end to Late Nite tip with this setup, but I really have no idea how loud it is, sounds like 130, but I cant be sure.

    I dunno, anyone near the Michiana area feel like stopping by to drop some tones and assure me my shit isnt doing 130?

  6. Sucks that I still gotta be able to put my clothes in there D:

    so, a tapered horn at 27hz, from what I see that would pressurize the room right?

    or even better yet, what if I rebuilt my top shelf and built something out of that in the closet? its a real strong spot but i'd think it'd be better on the floor, forgot to mention I broke my closet door off almost 4 years ago, we were rough housing... and I got thrown into the door... Dont tell no body D:

    Anyway, my tragic childhood being out of the way, how big of a box would a tapered horn need to be?

  7. I thought my MTX's were good, I shoved em in the closet and sit on the far side of my bedroom, when the bass kicks in, my vision literally picks up ripples from my monitor, and before anyone says "your monitor must be going crappy", it never did this when they were in the corner ^^

    my peek in this room appears to be about 45hz, it gets crazy at that frequency.

  8. So, it comes to my attention my MTX's just arent doing the trick anymore, they are still plenty loud, but I really want that DEEP bass without having to get into the port wars, I mean I do tune my boxes, usually something between 30 and 40, most commonly 35hz

    (box is 20x11x31 which leaves me with 3.941cu.ft. of airspace IF I use that spot)

    (second choice is 20x19x43 which is 9.456cu.ft, the only prob is it would use my free closet space)

    I have left all my choices above, choose what you think I should do and leave comments here as well, I only got 150 to work with hence why im asking.

    And if your wondering what im going to be driving it with, I have a 550W plate amp to use.

    and also, if your wondering why exactly I want a 18 in my bedroom, well... I like my Bass :D

  9. I was rather impressed with my MTX 6000s when I first got em, they're 10s, have em on a 1000W 2-channel (250w rms x 2) amp and they slammed, was the first time I actually got noticable trunk flex (I got raise! tungsten damping, oh I love you), I used to have 2 Pyramid super-pro 15s, imo, worst subwoofers EVAR! i've had TWEETERS that had bigger magnets then them p.o.s's, the spider on em was smaller than the ones on my current door speakers :o

    I had a friend that could slap with a TangBand 6x9, he had 1 in a prefab Goldwood 6x9 box (wedge box off partsexpress), oh boy, that thing could get loud in his little neon.

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