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Posts posted by Sniper

  1. Yep, has a VERY nice low in it. Take the time to hunt down the high quality version of the track and play it through your system and you'll be surprised. I've got it on a cd in my truck and it's a DAMN good bass track.

    or you could alternatively add &fmt=18 to the end of the URL and hear it in highquality stereo

  2. I got rear ended right after school today as I was pulling out of the parking lot on the side near the tennis courts, the hit broke my left tail light, cracked my bumper, fender smashed on the left side, which happens to be the side my t40001 was on, the circuit board is cracked along the edge x.x, 1 of my audiobahn 12s is ruined, the smack was enough to break the box and kill the sub (the whole side went in x.x), the voice coil was smacked inward hard enough to actually rip the coil off the cone (have the coil in my room on the desk for show and hell), I mean god damn, so much damage, I hate the god damn ricer crew at this school X.X

    anyway, I just bought a 1991 Ford Thunderbird with my friend Daniel, im planning on walling it with a RE MT 18 im buying from a member on this forum (as stated, im selling ALL of that crap in the regal, mixed setups a no-go, a RE MT 18 will definitely get me the tremendous punch I want, wonder how much power would be "good" on it, I don't necessarily mean how little,

    I mean what is the sweet spot?

    well, with that being said, sniper out.

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