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Posts posted by 1LoudScort00

  1. My friend Don gave me his old box that he used last year with his single 12, now hes running 2 10" RE SX's, he won't need this one any more, plus he tuned it to low anyways, so i switched the baffle to fit for a single 10" till I get my RE12s.

    its 4 cu/ft, tuned to 45hz

    havn't got any pics of it in the car yet, cause i have no battarys left for the camara, so i had to take these while it was plugged into the usb, this thing weighs at least 90-100lb's!




  2. yeah, finding a style is cool and all, i think i've got that covered, just trying to figure out how many aero ports i should use... maybe 2 4" for the whole box for 2 12s..hmm

    heres some pics of what i'm thinking of



    I figured it'd get louder, cause my seats fold down, plus its aiming toward the dash where the mic would be mounted, what do you guys think

  3. Ok, almost ready to start the box for the 2 12" RE RE12s soon, basicly i'm just wondering if anyone here has had any expernice with crx style boxes, if so what was the best style you've come across, or the loudist in this case.

    only gonna be giving these things 250W max, so not to big :)

    if anyone has any ideas, or comments, please add :beerchug:

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