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Posts posted by raytard

  1. no

    you're going to run into all those fun issues of it going into protect, overheating quick, having to roll on for spl runs, etc

    just dont do it, why does everyone have such a boner over 1ohm? on an amp like that you would really only get 300 watts maybe extra, effeceincy is like halved because its not designed for that.

    look at all the older rockford power amps that did more at 2ohm than 1, not because they couldnt handle it, but because IT MAKES IT LESS EFFECIENT, which means more stress, more heat, and mroe likelyhood of blowing it the hell up

  2. yea, the l7 definately seems to move mroe than it is rated for

    and you can get a very tight clean sound out of an l7 in a proper box. hell i've seen solo-x18's in a very sq oriented setup where it performed pretty damn well

    honestly it comes down to whether you want round or square, and i'd go round honestly, if for nothing other than the fact that the L7 is the new alpine type R and on its way to being the like most common subwoofer.

  3. max power is a few jiggawatts from what i remember, all dc's are somewhere around there

    1000 rms apiece for each is really pushing it for daily, they can certainly take it for burps or a bass race run if you knwo what you're doing, but daily it would prob be too much and a lvl 4 would be a better bet

    honestly, if you run a sub, especially something underrated a bit like the dc, at rms, you can play whatever music for as long as you want as loud as you want and never worry. its so nice to be able to blast everything from gucci mane to chopped and screwed stuff to metallica for 6 hours straight and not smell anything or bottem them out or blow anything up. yes some people run way more than rated, but why the hell would you want to always worry!?

  4. i'm a skinny boy trapped in a big body

    my 110lb girlfriend eats considerably more than i do (like double) and does a whole lot less than me (work 10-12 hrs a day, standing, jogging, and moving shit all the time while she pets her bunny and watches tv) and i still gain weight.

    losing the weight isnt the problem, its the feeling that "holy shit there is no way I ate 5lbs of food just this weekend" thing, im pretty sure I metabolise air into fat somehow.

  5. i'd have to say i'm way inconsistent. usually i'm to bed between 12 and 1. if its a weekend that shifts to 1 and sunrise where it just seems wrong to be awake.

    but then again, chances are i'll crash out tonight like 10pm cuz i just feel like crap. i def used to have legit insomnia when i was younger, like staying up till 6 or 7 am for no good reason just watching tv or browsing youtube until i got bored and then playing videogames until i could fall asleep...or just not falling asleep and going to school without sleep and then crashing when i got home from like 4-12 and then being screwed up even worse.

  6. i just wear the free shirts i get at work, i have like half a dozen company ones, 4 kicker ones, some rockford ones, some alpine ones, etc....

    and at school i just rock fraternity shirts or white tees

    im one of those people that cant see spending that much on a shirt....17$ for a clearance billabong shirt makes me cringe

  7. i'm gonna hop in the boat of "i used the wrong glue and it peeled"

    super 90 worked much better, getting the wrinkles out was a skill thing, and getting it around curves was just some elbow grease, heat, and a bondo spatula to help press and smooth

    at work we use some beast like "sign a waiver and show ID to buy it" sprayglue that stinks up a city block and i've never seen it peel, i got it from a local upholstry shop but it was a real hassel and we have a dedicated glue airgun cuz it kinda desstroys it for painting

  8. most of the people that piss me off are the ones that walk in and go "do you guys sell eff eye subs? like those btls" ....i usually just tell them that no store in the world sells em and good luck.

    the only time i was ever a dick with my bass was at taco bell. it was like 2am and they were empty and honestly left me infront of the board for a full minute or two before taking my order...slowly and wrong...and then left me at tthe window for 5 minutes. At that point I just started seeing if i could pull a steve meade and get their little doors to open. I didnt, but it wasnt 20 seconds before i saw the guy running around the kitchen putting my stuff in bags and handing it to me.

  9. storm was disappointing. My cuz is on his 3rd cuz he keeps breaking them. they're damn slow as well, which can make something simple like replying to a text infuriating. but as far as a touchscreen interface goes theirs is awesome with the click. the HTC is sweet but the screen isnt so forgiving to someone with big fingers.

    i've never seen the samsung so idk about that.

    if you dont mind losing the hype of a touchscreen phone and would like the added benefits of a traditional phone (like real buttons to press so you can use it 5x as fast with less errors, smaller screen=better battery life, more durable, lighter, smaller, etc) look at blackberry curves. You can go in and erase all the bullshit on there and its one of the fastest phones around. it does everything you could want, and does it well.

  10. there was this whole controversy about how yellow #5 (the thing that helps make mountain dew green, it s a food dye) kills sperm...basically it lowers your sperm count by a measurable margin. its the matter of you busting a billion compared to 996million, but those odds arent for me.

    i think its blue#5 that makes your poop green (which makes your pee green too but theres soo little in mountain dew you gotta drink gallons. blue gatorade on the other hand....2 bottles and you piss and shit green the next day.....aaahhh what you learn in middle school)

  11. most of the expense is the labor unless its some really unique paint

    for reference a 4-5000$ paintjob isnt uncommon for a nice paintjob, of which maybe 200$ is actual paint, lol.

    be prepared to drop some stacks, idk what white diamond is, but irregardless dont be surprised to spend 3000-6000 on a real high quality paintjob done right, not some maaco "rough up the clear and spray a single coat of color down" paintjobe

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