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Posts posted by raytard

  1. the eqs is crazy, but its one of those things you definately need to read through the manual in order to use it.

    and the 360 is sweet if you want to have every option under the sun at your fingertips, but can be kinda daunting to use between its 8 trillion configurations and the whole bluetooth compatibility thing.

    the bitone i heard was real good but i've never used it.

    as far as like traditional eq's, like a clarion eqs746, i'm not a real fan. most of the time it seems like it introduced more engine noise than adjustability.

  2. i know someone who works in the jail by me, he said this little gay black guy named peaches was the baddest mofo in jail. apparantly he was there because he posed as a female prostitute, and would hold a knife to the john's bits n pieces and demand their wallet. he was always getting picked on for being little...and gay...and black, and so forth and just knew how to scrap. Apparantly he got shanked one day after beating a guy twice his size senseless.

    but dont freak, schools always go on lockdown when someone gets out. the local jail is like 20 miles from my highschool and it was on lockdown with cops out front and in back with a helicopter a few times. all i could think was "what kind of retarded convict runs to a SCHOOL after breaking out?"

  3. there are a few tutorials here with how to set your gains either with an oscilloscope or a digital multimeter

    a new sub is going to smell, there is glue on the voicecoil holding it to the former and that commonly heats up and smells funky during break in. the bad smell is the copper actually burning. they smell very similar though, so be careful.

    you should be able to play them when they're new, just keep in mind they will loosen up over time and will experience some sort of a break in regardless.

  4. to tell you the truth, this is kind of something my techs and I had a big discussion on one day, 3 of us said solder power lines, one guy crimped them (with a bolt cutter with a very well cut notch in it that crimped better than anything i've ever seen in my life honestly, and had notches for 0, 4, and 8g

    basically the solder was the stronger connection, after much tugging on the terminals and seeing the crimped ones slide off "easier"

    they also adopted the system of cutting the insulation back so the wire is basically flush, soldering it very well, and then clamping the terminal in a vice grip and smacking it on the bench grinder for a second to grind a nice smooth end onto it (that is also slightly curved, which makes things like getting a socket on 3/4 in nut much easier...think seat bolt ground)

    so basically at the end of the day it was a few seconds extra work with a propane torch to ensure the best connection and easy installation, but most importantly the customer never coming back. you could tow a car with a well soldered terminal.

  5. i've been stuck on battlefield 1943 for months now...fully destructable environments (knockk trees down, blow the legs off sniper towers wiith the sniper in there, etc...you get the idea) a shitton of people online, and it handles great (unlike killzone which is damn near unplayable compared to to some of the other shooters available), and its a 15$ download

    resistance 2 held me for a while, but sometimes between the screaming 8year olds and people who play all day every day 24/7 the fact that one person can hold down a team kinda wears on you.

    theres always socom confrontation if you're into that....i didnt really like it personally but theres alot of people who wont play anything different.

  6. both my laptops have ubuntu, and they only problem i've had is that one likes to drop wireless if I reboot it, but no biggie

    if you have a 4gig flashdrive you can make a bootable usb stick, just plug it in to any computer that is usb bootable and you can load it up and run it off the flashdrive without messing up your hdd's while you wait for windows 7, but its considerably slower that way (since eveerything is running off usb, not sata/ide)

    a program called "unetbootin" will format any compatible flash drive to be a boot drive, download whatever flavor of linux you want, and thats kinda it, its friggin cake, it just may take a while to download 4 gigs off info. I think mine took 3 hours or so

  7. honestly, most "preloaded" boxes are tuned to 40 hz (every kicker, rockford p series, and mtx thunder...we had a slow day so i crunched some numbers)

    that being said, as long as you're careful and not playing like chopped and screwed music at full blast, even going as high as 40hz is "usable" for daily. if your car resonates at 51 that means your box is probably going to end up being 45-51hz optimally. the best bet is to build a box with a removable port (a lot of guys have done it if you need pics or ideas how to accomplish it) where one port is more sq oriented and tuned lower, while the other is tuned higher. this is all an imperfect science, so the best way to figure out what tuning is right is by trial and error, make the box, make the port longer than necessary, and run a sweep or two, chop a half inch off, repeat...untill the score starts dropping

  8. the thing is, if you have 2 partitions on the same drive, its THE SAME DRIVE, so if the drive goes, everything goes. essentially you just separated everything into 2 big folders, and a virus can affect either one, or both. If its a virus that say, erases your MBR, the hdd is pretty shot regarrdless of how its partitioned. If its a virus that wipes the hdd, it wipes the hdd regardless of partitions or boot priority (or everyone would mount everything on a f; drive and keep a dummy c: drive that wouldnt matter if it was corrupted.

    the point of a raid setup is to protect against physical hdd failure, the point of a backup is that it is a physically separate record, so if soomething was to infiltrate and destroy data, you have a separate uncorrupted independant drive that would allow you to restore your files

    if you want a backup i suggest looking at western digital external drives. I had a 500gig that usb'd to my ccomputer. I backed up all the files and had a shitton more room, and it was just over 100 bux.

  9. i have 2 laptops (a cool toshiba, dual core 1.66, 2gigs of ram, and an asus eeepc,atom cpu, 1gig ram)

    toshiba came with vista, eee came with xp...eee was 10x faster on half the hardware

    so i'm dumb and basically crashed both harddrives through being dumb, got some new ones, but didnt have boot disks, so now i'm on the newest ubuntu, 9.04

    as fast if not faster than xp, looks a whole shit ton better than mac or windows anything, cant get a virus, and EVERYTHING works. neither computers webcam worked in the PREINSTALLED AND CONFIGURED windows, but works fine in linux. every button, every little quirky thing (like the toshiba's spinning volume plate and the asus's fnc+f12/f11 volume buttons) works fine. I haven't found a single thing i cant do in linux that i did in windows (besides games, but i havnt dont that in liek 5 years anyway, and who the hell games on an eeepc?

    google compiz fusion sometimes and prepare to go "oh shit, so thats what linux had 5 years ago and the guys at mac and windows have been copying ever since"

    oh, and its FREE and can be booted off of a usb drive, i downloaded it, put it on a drive, installed it, configured it, and had it usable in a matter of hours

    and with a upnp server running (and streaming), a torrent program open, and half a dozen tabs open on firefox(on 4 separate desktops I might add) i'm not even at 400mb of ram and 20% of my cpu being used, and anything i click loads instantly, i love this thing. if you guys get a chance, give it a shot

  10. hifonics has a track record for the past 4 or so model years of basically putting out garbage on the cheap (couldnt do near rated power, overheated/clipped out at 1ohm even though it says 1ohm stable, etc)

    audioque on the other hand easily does rated, with clean power, and is damn reliable doing it. From my experience and the reviews on this board it seems to be a very solid and well made amp.

    These new hifonics look more promising, but thats not saying much. Basically the advise is to go for something tried and true and affordable instead of something that might be good enough.

    http://www.audioque.com/aq/order.htm scroll down a bit to order

  11. cant advise against them, but the only thing i've experienced is that they are kinda picky with being overpowered, they're one of those woofers that will take rms alll day every day on any music, but throw an extra hundred watts in there and you'll get em to stink and smoke.

    and in a good box they can sound great and get real friggin low and still make your ears hurt.

  12. to back this guy up, i believe the exelon screens are all 5v, and the kenwood site has it listed as 5v, although honestly everywhere else says its 2v

    did kenwood pull one of those tricks like pioneer did, where 4volt means 4volts split 3 ways (so 1.33v....)(just saying, going from their single cd to avic-f90 the volumewas noticably lower, and everyone that switched from the "4v" f90 to the "4v" z110 said they had to turn their gains down significantly, since volume 20 was as loud as the f90 at 50

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