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Posts posted by raytard

  1. knock a few inches off the port

    sprayfoam around box if you didnt already

    deaden the roof (sure it flexes alot, flexing=lost pressure)

    try dumb stuff like sliding the passenger seat all the way forward, taking out headrests, flipping sunshades down, closing ac vents, running ac before the run to cool the car down and make the air denser, etcetc....

    sometimes dumb stuff makes a difference, some guy taped pvc cut in half ontop of his box and gained .2db, and lost it if he took it off, it just made it .2db louder for no good reason

  2. that amp may be able to do half of rated, so 2 of those can probably push your cvx's...but you're getting a low quality amp nonetheless (i think it does ~1200 watts at 1ohm, like 1400 max or so,,,only 120a of fusing)

    retail is like 500 almost, people buy em for 200ish online, why not just get 400 bux and get a aq2200 or a used 3500? both of which will give you more power, and it'll be cleaner to boot.

    or even the amps i run, jbl gto1400, theyre about 80 bux more, but really do 1500wrms without breaking a sweat, and do it cleanly and efficiently

    just keep in mind, the bamf is an ok 1200 watt@1ohm amp, dont let them trick you into thinking it does 1700rms or 4000max or whatever the literature says, its bullshit, and when you put it on an even plane of 1200ish watt amps, it starts to look like a real bad idea.

  3. traffic laws are their own kind of laws, when you got your license you signed away your rights regarding vehicle usage. its not punishment for victimless crimes, its regulatory statutes to protect society from harm. just like requiring you to register guns, or keep your window tint a certain percentage, its all to prevent something from happening that is much more likely when certain circumstances are met.

    everything from required insurance to the colors and location of tailights is a regulation, and while it seems like you being uninsured for years hasnt hurt anyone (and it may well have not, and may never) it is to prevent the situation of an accident occuring and coverage not existing.

  4. its gonna be like 300 and some bux for the 80 amp, unless you find a deal like this http://www.audiosavings.com/products/NEW-K...30e.r3a8bd.aspx , which is about the cheapest i see them.

    and please put a battery in line, it takes such a strain of the PS, because now it is a charger more than a sole source of current, and I know i've blown a few (admittedly cheaper) PS's by just drawing a bit too much off of them (like literal flames out the chassis blown)

    and this thing isnt wasted when you decide to put the setup back in your vehicle, this thing will tend to the batteries in your car, its meant to intelligently top off and float agm batteries, and with 80 amps it can handle quite a bank of batteries. if you're one of those people with more batts and amps than the alternator can handle (aka most of us) this could be a real help, strap that thing on there at night and let it top em off and keep em fresh

  5. i've always been told 20 hrs break in (i think thats what rockford/mtx subs say in their literature to boot)

    you started at 0 which is good, personally I would basically jack it up a notch ever day until I find the limit (audible distortion, smelly, etc...use the common sense filter)

    my xl's without the spider in a much larger box get smelly with 1500 watts if i play some crap clipped music. otherwise they take it without the slightest bit of issue and seem to want more. Idk how well they'll take 4kw apiece though, i'm assuming thats for burps and you'll play near tuning freq, but be careful with that.

  6. only thing to keep in mind, is that cops LOVE to see black headlights and will give your ass a ticket in a second, the clear circles cut down on the chances a cop will give you a ticket for it. Also, 5 or 6 coats of nightshade make it feel like you're driving at night with dark sunglases on, it blocks ALOT of the light from your headlights, another thing the circles help with.

    and the clearcoat thing makes a huge difference, it comes out very matte otherwise.

    as for the plastic, that krylon palstic bond stuff works very well, and with a little work and clear you can get it to gloss just like your car.

  7. college has the best parties...corporate hoes and ceos, toga, walk of shame (think "morning after" clothes), beauty and the geek, blackout parties (gotta take 5 shots before you get in the party), etc....theres a list somewhere online, lol

  8. headlights-use the nightshade BUT get those sticky stiicker circles from a store and put them more or less over where you think the lights are, and then spray over them so you have like a clear spot in the center, and black the fck out of the rest of it....no tickets, still have lights, and it looks blacked out...win/win/win situation....i've seen some guys get creative with that shit and make it look amazing

  9. boston sr series...sr60 if you're doing some custom doors and want components or whatever. give those things a clean 75rms to each crossover and they SCREAM, and sound damn good doing it. You'll see 4 sets in my front doors as soon as i get a break from college. Having A/B'd most every current brand name speaker, these stood out as being most impressive, especially for the price (last year it was the pioneer d series, also fantastic speakers, but I loved the way these SR's sounded)

  10. even when that little gay plastic thingy is taken out, its still bigger than most cables on the market

    and it being green just means it was sitting around for a while and is copper, nothing else. Every wire in the world will do that.

    not to say there isnt comparable stuff for less, but its monster wire, so they charge you more for the same thing

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