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Posts posted by raytard

  1. thanks, im a retard and just saw the 6.sumthin ohm nominal series in the t/s specs

    dual 4's is perfect, but they would be getting close to 1500rms daily apiece

    dual 2's it would be 1000-1200rms apiece, will they reliably handle the 1500watts (keep in mind i drive 6-12 hours on roadtrips like 10-20 times a year and will be on close to blast most of the way)

    Can you post up an Outside Diameter for these? its going in my rear deck and theres only like ~16inches depth... sometime before christmas my car is getting gutted for a new build, hopefully with these, and i want to make a mock up to make 100% sure its going to fit, otherwise its going to be 3-12's

  2. my .02, laptops are part of the "shit will always go wrong no matter what" part of electronics

    get whatever has the best warranty and the specs you want

    mine was 1500 when i got it (nothing fancy either...no video or sound card per se, all onboard junk), gone to toshiba 2ce in 2 years and this third time im fixing it cuz its out of warranty.

    hope you enjoy that hp laptop though, post back with how you like it

  3. front dome light fell off, then the mounts cracked and it stripped the screws out so it rattles like no other now.

    i go through tail lights like every week, my brakelights just go out one after the other

    broke the mounts for my rear deck brakelight so now its held down with a hat

    my doors wiggle enough to rub the rubber seal against the paint and wear it down to bare metal

    no real damage yet thankfully

  4. what ohms are you running bro? if your looking to get more out of that amp most jbls put out more power at 4 ohms then any other ohm load. And if thats the case and you got dual 4s then wire each sub to 8 ohms.

    thats only the crown power/gti series amps, looks like its the gto1400, and if you have 4 ohms im guessing you have 2 dual 4's? if so, paralell them and run in stereo 2-ohm.

    crowns peak at 6 ohms btw, something to compliment their dual-3 ohm gti subs

    but nice setup bro, you got some good stuff to work with and it looks like its slappin already. Look through the subwoofer/enclosure section and get some ideas for a box, what you need, how its constructed, have someone design one for you (or do it yourself if you feel adventurous) and get the nice increase in volume.

    just remember a box is woodworking, take your sweet ass time even if it means it takes you all week to slap together 9 pieces of wood. It always ends up taking me atleast 6 hours for a basic square ported box with carpet, take your time and do it right.

  5. 2spk.jpg



    1 set of jbl p660c, run off of a way turned down gto1004 since july or so, rarely on because that amp also powered the tweeters and they were just plain annoying, I guess maybe 20 hours playtime max. They were both playing in my car yesterday just fine, they were getting in the way in the back seat with the way my pods were, and i have no plans of putting them back in.

    $100 plus shipping for the pair (no grills, they got kicked and scuffed and junk, which is why i took them out before the got any real damage)

    pods are $60 plus shipping if youre interested, definitely have to be refinished at this point, fit in the rear carpeted part of a 1995/96 ish avalon door if the carpet is pulled out, just screw in from the back with a half dozen wide head screws.



    I prefer local pickup if possible, im in Oswego ny until Dec 19, then Suffolk LI till the end of January

  6. i'd vote no t-line, the t/s specs on that sub dont look like the kind that reacts well to the near free air resistance of a t-line, a more traditional ported box is probably your best bet

    just my .02, you're going to spend more on glue than the sub, why would you really build a custom enclosure for a 40$ sub from a company that does'nt exist anymore?

    If i knew how to convert t/s into volume and port size i'd help you out, but thats a bit beyond me right now, if anyone has the formulas feel free to share

  7. suibo=suicide lambos? thats pretty ill, its something different

    u know if its just a lambo kit mounted on the other side? prob be ill on on 4 door car, fronts normal, rears like that

    im digging the 180 degree autoloc kits though, where your door rotates up, vertical, and back down till they almost touch the ground by your front wheels

    looking at the car you posted, is there even enough room to get in? it looks like you have to duck under from the angle its taken at

  8. two 12's with x power is easier to get loud, but theres no reason that a single 12 couldnt be louder with the same power

    look at dante, pulling 180's with one 18, while steve is in the 150's with 4. (just an example, i know its completely apples to oranges)

    my .02, with the same power and tuning, the 2 12's will probably be louder, it is possible to get one 12 to be louder, but why go through the extra effort?

  9. the one i got in upstate ny was a "disorderly conduct", aka, they can hear it. (i think the specific term is "causing alarm or having intent to cause alarm within the community" or some bs like that)


    4 hours in court on a day i have class

    sent all the papers to the wrong address, even after i told him "hey, that address on my license, i havnt lived there in years, but dmv wants 50$ to change it, send it to my new house or my campus address" he took down both, sent it to the old house anyway.

    cops just suck...i havnt never even had one help me, even as i'm riding in his front seat, bloody, blind, bruised and broke after getting jumped, spotting the kids walking with my shit, describe everything they took, etc, he tells me "your numbers arent in your fone with your name on it, im sorry, cant do anything, and those glasses with your perscription can be anyones, and just because they all have bloody knuckles doesnt mean they were hitting you, i cant do anything", and then grills me in the interrogation office for HOURS as to why i was at the park with my friends. Police wouldnt get shot so often if they helped out people who need it and didnt fuck with people who arent doing anything wrong. you dont prove lessons, you just piss people off.

    sry bout the rant, my bad

  10. So I was on aim and my "a" button crapped out, I have to copy/paste every single friggin "a".

    this isnt gonna fly.

    its a toshiba qosmio f45 av411

    Toshiba says I'm out of warranty and wants 425+shipping for repair, no friggin way is that happening

    already took it apart and got the number off of the keyboard, found a replenishment here for 90$


    Is this place legit? Can u find that part cheaper? i dont have $90 to spare right now, any idea on how to fix it? (usb keyboard are all at home, going there Tuesday for Thanksgiving break.)

    Thanks for any help

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