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Posts posted by raytard

  1. i downloaded it last night, the inrto movie is like a demo disk for high def tv-s and surround sound, its pretty ill

    it changes your menu around, integrates netflix (if you pay for their download/streaming service, you can use it on the xbox now), you get a wii-mii like avatar thingy, you can preload games on the hdd so they load faster, didnt notice much of a difference with the new cod tho, the menus are all new, you can acess anything through the guide button menu in game, like anything, its basically the old menu, u can play .avi files off of an external hdd (was released a while back, but its still there and friggin awesome)

    thats all ic an think of off the top of my head, its pretty cool though, go download it

  2. If i'm not mistaken, you can make tones in Audacity, correct?

    open it, click generate>tone, waveform is sine, freq is the freq u want, amplitude is "gain" basically, and length is self explanitory.

    generate whichever ones youw ant, save em in order, and burn it so each track corresponds to a different tone, make 1-20 white noise/pinknoise or something, mad easy to make ur own bass test cd

  3. Turns out, my best (girl) friend's best (girl) firend who i know verrrry well is the cashier at the local adult shop

    awkward moment when me and 3 of my friends wander in a little inebriated one boring night and do dumb stuff and notice her watching us.

    On move in, I was stuck in an elevator with a girl who is a good friend of mine, and 3 of my good friends she slept with, and her dad, and her boyfriend. doesn't get much more awkward than that

  4. if youre planning on running that much power to it, drop the box size closer to 6cubes, or else youre gonna get some nice unloading and other things on lower notes, and by "nice" i mean "destructive"

    my .02

    and it will def get loud and def get low, and depending on the vehicle and other factors (deadening, batteries, chargin system, orientation, etc) 145 is definately possible.

  5. lol

    i remember paying 400 and change for a 128mb 4800ti nvidia card back in the day from some custom company that overclocked it and had it on a red board with a fan and junk....and 3 years later it couldnt even run the new games coming out.

    thats about when i got out of computers and switched to consoles...

    but yea, hella stuff on there is unnecessary, a 64gb ssd for gamesw and a 1tb for media is all u need for a computer IMHO, i think im at like 230 of 700gb right now.

  6. hmmmm possibility, not sure how much of a gain u get from 1 sub at 600watts to two at 300 with the exact same cone area AFAIK, would just strap a bash plate amp to the other in a t-line for the room...

    dont mean to dump on your thread, just wanted to get an opinion from someone who went directly from a conventional ported box to a t-line with the same woofer and power

  7. i hate sonys, and im sure alot of people agree

    and to jump on the bandwagon, i have a 600ub...and yea, 600, premier, gotta get my warrantee=)

    if you plan on using usb/ipod, nothing better, plus THERES FRIGGIN DOLPHINS SWIMMING AROUND BEHIND A VISUAL EQ!

    i will say, mine is like 6 months old, and it turns off randomly, i dropped the faceplate in a parkinglot one day and it never worked right since then...but whatever...and the 690ub i had shorted out when i dropped a live speaker wire on the chassis, and it gave the worse feedback ever.

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