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Posts posted by DEMIGOD

  1. Much love and props for the quick reply. I see what you're saying and the one in the photo you showed me is what I'm used to but I could not find one that would hold the three hundred amp fuse and was the type in the photo. I'm going to grab one now and hopefully it will be here within a week or so but I can be patient because the payoff will be worth it. From what I read it's best to put one close to the battery and then a second one close to the amplifier on my positive cable which is 0 gauge. My ground is only two feet long and connects directly to frame so hopefully I won't get any alternator whine or any annoying sound of any sort. I'm also missing the bass boost knob and don't know where to get one for this amplifier other than the manufacturer but the amplifier is no longer carried by kicker or at least no longer produced so I'm assuming they have none left but maybe I'll get lucky and they will have a bass boost knob with wiring that has the funky phone cable and on The Wire that goes into the amp. I'm sure I can track one down and I'm not the only person who's ever needed a spare. Thanks again my friend you have led me to the pot of gold. Keep slamming.

  2. I stumbled across this while looking for a 300 amp fuse for my amplifier which was a kicker zx2500.1 and I'm wondering if this would work just as well as a fuse and if not can somebody Supply me with a link showing a photo of a 300 amp fuse and what type I would need to get. I found this on Amazon and here is the link for you to check out. This is what I'm thinking I'd like to go with if it is recommended if not I need to see the proper fuse type I can do the rest of the hunting. Much love and ground quakes from block to block making people think it's earthquakes.Tap here to see what I'm considering  if somebody can provide a link to one that is a good brand and is on Amazon that would be sweet but not necessary. I'm just stating that because I have an Amazon Prime account right now and it would be nice to order it before my account Runs Out. Thanks again

  3. Thanks for the info on the fuse rating as I would have been starting with 80 amp fuses and working up from there but it would have taken a lot of steps before I hit a three hundred amp fuse. I needed this info and I'm greatly appreciative to those who gave out for others to know in this form. Much love from Canadian bass head who will soon be slamming dents into the trunk metal with two scar 12in subwoofers and a ported box size 4.5 cubic foot in size.

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