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Posts posted by 04nissanfrontier

  1. You should be fine with the wall being legal, All ambulances, semi's, and alot of other commercial transporting vehicles all have the back glass view obstructed....I know these are all commercial style vehicles that serve more purposes besides driving them to get you from place to place, however all of these vehicles still have to abide by the same vehicle safety regulations as the rest of us (ie state inspections). Actually they have more safety regulations to pass every year, due to the fact that they are carrying precious/hazardous cargo.

  2. I've had the problem where the t-nuts would turn on ya bending the prongs. What I do now is instead of trying to hammer the nuts on, I just start it on the end of the bolt, apply some wood glue to the underside of the t-nut (where it touches the wood) and then pull it into the wood by turning the bolts. Once the glue dries, they aren't going anywhere.

    Good idea right ther, may give them another try, ok sorry no more thread jacking for me.

  3. I've tried using the t-nuts on other boxes and the ones I've used, the prongs would just bend and they would strip out and just spin. I don't know If I was using cheap ones, but they just didn't work well with MDF for me. Since then I just went back to the good ol black 2inch sheet-rock screws with no problem. If you double baffle, screws should do just fine (2-cents)

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