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Posts posted by Specter1Sniper

  1. Gentlemen/Ladies


    So I am at a delima..  I'm rebuilding my Yukon, and I have have decided on everything but the subs, and with subs will come the enclosure for them.  Now I have had the opinion of some people, but I think I want the general consensus   so what is running the subs,  I recently decided that I wanted 2 of the Gately 3900's, however after  after careful consideration I've changed my order to 2 5700's.  now with that being said there is a exorbant amount of subs that I could run, but with what I want, I'm kind of limited to the top tier of several of them.

    ultimate want.  I want to keep my back passenger seats in my Yukon so it will be a C-Pillar, prefer wall, build.  so space is limited but with measurements of 32 d 35 tall and 48 w with side panels in(this could be modified out a little depending on how far, Im just a little limited.  I calculated it at a total of right about 31 cubes of space to play with.  Granted around a 3rd of that will be box, it shrinks.    SO as for the subs im looking at 4 DC Elite XL 15 D1's, 2 DC Level 6 18's,  as for the enclosure type im trying to get them in a 6th order but if that is out of the question I guess ill figure it out at that point.  I know I can get either in ported enclosures in there but it wouldn't be a c-pillar wall but at that point I will cross that bridge.  


    I do have a Design that I threw on the computer for the 15's but I don't have a calculator/Software to get the internal chamber size and tuning absolutely correct.  this one is as it is rendered 11 rear 13.2 front.  Ill leave those as well.






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