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Posts posted by Billybatson42069

  1. So I met up with a guy to buy his two sundown subwoofers and an Orion Amp. Met up with the guy and said he had to go into a church to get them. He asked for the money. A red flag went up but I thought it would be okay because he was a church goer. The door was locked and he couldn’t get in so he said he had to call the deacon to have him unlock the door. He had me park about 30 feet ahead. Then, Someone parked behind me and I can’t see him anymore. So I’m like thirty feet down the street from the church and he’s right in front but a big truck parked right behind me blocking my line of sight. He’s been standing out there for 30 minutes. Do I go ask for my money back? Call the cops ? He has a lot of my money. 

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