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just a teen

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Posts posted by just a teen

  1. Hey everyone, I recently picked up a sundown x12 v3 d1 for $75 that's blown, tested it when I got home and yep, the coil smokes when using a 40hz tone connected to my jp23 v1.5 with low power. I plan to use this sub to replace my 2 crossfire audio c5 15v3 subs in a qbomb prefab, and was wondering if there would be any problems if I were to go by the box design sundown has on their website, except changing the subwoofer mounting location from the front of the box to the top? I want it this way so I don't have to worry about the subwoofer hitting anything in the trunk, since I own a 2001 subaru outback wagon and sometimes have to use the trunk for stuff. I'm sure there's probably a reason why most of the box designs I see have the sub and port located on the same side, but I was hoping that it would be fine to change things up a bit.

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