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Posts posted by Kique

  1. 19 hours ago, jgi420 said:

    I would be a little concerned about something that cheap making those kind of claims. Even if it sounds like a good brand you will probably find out It's closest to putting out 200 watts

    My thoughts exactly.  Though, I have had good luck with tiny amps in the past. Last year I installed a Kenwood KAC-M3001 in my son's car and it's been working fine. I just want a bit more power for my car.




  2. I'm trying to add a 10" sub to my stock stereo. I found an Alpine S2 (600w rms @ 2ohm) it's pretty shallow and only needs around a half a cubic foot sealed box. Now I need a compact amp to push it. I came across the Cerwin Vega XED6001D (600w rms @ 2ohm) it looks like a good fit and it's tiny but I just don't know about it's quality. It's also under $120 online which also worries me.  I'm not looking for competition quality gear but I don't want something crappy that will die on me in a year.  Anyone know anything about the CV XED amps or of another tiny amp that'll work for a 10? Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.

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