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Posts posted by CloudDoesSPL

  1. Start at the front of the chain and backwards, steve explained this in many of his videos, use the speaker outputs to find the distortion point, then move to the DSP, then the amps, someone can correct me if I said something wrong, at least that's how I do it on systems I tune.

  2. Assuming we're talking lithium.


    I've installed a 12 cell bank of yinlong cells in a customer car running around 5kWRMS of bass and 1kW of mids/highs, with a HO alt, voltage is stable, no issues whatsoever, I'd say start with a 6 Cell and see if your voltage and power is fine, if not add 6 more. 


    I'd like to see more opinions from others on this forum if they have the time to give an insight.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Antheny916 said:

    You can download the logos here: https://wccaraudio.com/logos/


    You'll find SMD logos and WC Car Audio logos.


    If you need a place to get stickers made, we do make them at SMD as well here: https://graphixcity.com/


    Or email [email protected] if you can't find what you need/ need something custom.

    Legend is what you are, I'd love nothing more than to have them made, unfortunately I'm in the EU and where I am now is sort of easier to have a shop make them cheap for me, is there any chance you have a white SMD logo or should I try inverting the colors as a vector?

  4. Hi there everyone, happy to be here, I just got my DD1+ and CC1, had a couple questions on them, I'll be tuning a couple systems with them, I've understood the idea of Gain Overlap on subwoofers, that's all good, and also on mids and highs I'll be keeping the overlap to 0 so nothing becomes toast. 


    My questions is, what gain overlap should I use for example, when mids/highs are rated for let's say half the power the amp can put out, say 100wRMS speaker and 200wRMS amp, should I just go for no overlap as well or is there another way to do it so nothing overpowers? I've ordered the AMM1 as well so I can actually see how much power goes to each speaker and to have that tad bit more precision when tuning, especially on customer vehicles.


    Thanks to anyone who takes the time to respond. Can't wait to learn more.

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