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Posts posted by IvanIsRock

  1. I have a American Bass XFL 1222 with a Taramp HD2000 and I am struggling to get the sub bumping. I used the multimeter to tune it with a 50 hz test tone at 0db with the head unit at 75%ish (stock head unit).


    For the break in i am running it low for a bit to be safe, the first tune i was giving it 21V, then that wasnt loud enough in my opinion so i got it to 26V. That still didnt sound loud so I finally cranked it to 31V and it is still not loud. I know it should be at around 39V for 1500RMS but I know what a 750 RMS sub sounds like and that is no where near it while at the same voltage. (around 22V). My friends sub is a 800W RMS sub and he is running it at arround 24V and it is way louder. So i think i must be doing something wrong. 


    I did some reading and thought maybe I should use a -5db test tone instead. I tried that but it did not reach the voltage that I wanted it to. 


    Here are the max voltages I was outputting for my amp 

    60hz -5db : 35.6V

    50Hz -5db : 26.8V

    40Hz -5db : 17.9V


    60hz 0db : 51.2V

    50Hz 0db : 39.4V

    40Hz 0db : 26.1V


    If I am using a -5db test tone shouldnt the voltage be set the same as I would with a 0db tone which would make the sub louder.

    ie: 21V 0db = 21V -5db


    I have no clue why it is so quiet. I wired the sub (DVC 2ohm) to 1 ohm for the amp and expected atleast 31V to be at a good loudness (louder then my friends 850W sub) but i was wrong.


    theory 1 - Maybe the line out converter needs to be ajusted for. Never had to adjust this one for any other system. 


    theory 2 - Maybe the DMM is not reading it acuratly but I dont think it will be that off to the point where 31V sounds like 10V output in my friends sub.

    I am gonna order a O-Scope to see if that is my issue.



    If anyone has any ideas please let me know as I want to get the sub booming ASAP.


  2. I just bought a 1500rms American Bass XFL1222 and built a box for it. For the longest time I was listening to my friends sub which is a 800rms Skar Audio SVR-12 and it’s always at full volume.


    On the amp for the skar sub it measures 23V and on the amp for the American bass sub i set the gain to around 23V for break in which is around 750-800W (arround half of 1500RMS). I assume since both amps are outputting the same voltage to the subs they should be the same loudness. But no. Then American bass sub is not nearly as loud as the skar audio sub at 23V.

    is this because the sub is rated for higher rms so it is not outputting the same as the skar sub, even tho they r both at 23V but the American bass is only pushing half the recommended power?


    please leave your suggestions or comments.


  3. 7 hours ago, Joe X said:

    In a 2.2 net @35 Hz, two 4" round ports ported box (estimated size from your measurements) I get 30.1 m/s @1500W RMS using bassbox pro, for round ports up to about 35 m/s is reasonable, if it was a slot port about 25 m/s is about what you would have.


    Take care on how you enter numbers and other calculations.

    I dont think I can fit 2 x 4 inch ports because of the length. The trunk is an weird space and i need to have the ports and the sub in the front of the box along with the sub. Maybe a 90 degree pipe bend would work in the sub? But I dont know if that is how it works with sub boxs. Im pretty sure if I increase the length of the box (front to back) it will help it but then I have to shrink the width of it and if i do that then the ports will not fit in the front. I have room to work with with the length of the box (front to back) but the measurements for height and width are max but i could shrink them if needed. I will be 3d printing the ports so a bend is available, i just dont know if it is efficiant/will work for sub boxes. I tried calculating my air velocity of bbp6 but for some reason it crashes when i input W for the air velocity so i cant get a graph of it.  Here are screen shots of it, lmk if you have an idea in what i should do.



  4. 6 hours ago, Joe X said:

    For a 12 of that power you need like two 4" ports, usually mounted on the side of the box so that they fit without turning and do not use the baffle.


    To me is better going slot port with about 30 square inches of port area.

    Yea but then isn’t the air velocity too much? I tried that on winisd and it said 55m/s at 35 hz

  5. I need help with the aero port with the box im designing.

    Box specs

    19 W

    20 L

    15 H

    Fb 34.57 Hz


    Now i am wondering if the aeroport im using is good for it. Im thinking 2 x 3.25" ports 16" long. Is that good for the sub? its a american bass XFL-1222 which im gonna be pushing 1500 Rms (3000 max). I want the ports to be on the front face beside the sub. Let me know if this seems good?

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